Doki Doki <3

978 34 7

:33 Nepeta's Pov

 I sit in my room still shivering from what happened with gamzee. It's been like 1 day sense it happened yet I still can't get over it. I decide to chat with my furend Kanaya.

arsenicCatnip [AC] began trolling grimAuxiliatrix [GA]:

AC: :33 hi kanaya!

GA: I See Today You Did Not Wish To Roleplay. Why Is That?

AC: :33< well it's because I have a purroblem

GA: Please Inlighten Me On What Your Problem Is And I Will Do My Best To Help.

AC: :33< it's a quadrant purroblem and I didn't go to karkitty because he saw is happen and if I asked it would get awkward.....

GA: What Happened Dear

AC: :33< pawzee kissed me.......

GA: Pawzee?

AC: :33< gamzee

GA: Oh........Oh Dear.........

AC: :33< please don't tell equius

GA: ........

AC: :33? Hello?

GA: I'm Sorry.......I Might Have Misunderstood.........He Kissed You?

AC: /:33< on the lips

GA: Well I Promise I Won't Tell Equius......But......Hmm

AC: :33? Hmm what?

GA: I Think He May Have Red Feelings For You

arsenicCatnip [AC] ceased trolling grimAuxiliatrix [GA]

GA: Oh Dear....

I stop chatting with Kanaya Pawzee has red feelings for me? I think but thats impawsible we're just furends as the thoughts go through my head I decide to take a walk outside. Not noticing gamzee was trying to reach me on pesterchum I start to walk out the cave.

:o) GaMzEe'S pOv

I sit in my horn pile making a few honks as I move a bit here and there. I try to get Nepeta's attention on pesterchum but she doesnt seem like she wants to talk. My mind starts to wander to the memory of yesterday when I had kissed her After she ran out Karbro started yelling at me " YOU IDIOT" he had yelled "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU KISS THE GIRL!" I just shrugged and said "jUsT tRyInG tO tHaNk A MoThErFuCkIn BrO" now I feel guilty for saying that to my best friend because I knew it was always more than just a thank you......==[my kokoro go doki doki (⌒▽⌒)]==

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