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GaMzEe'S POV :o)

I'm REALLY nervous because of what happened earlier. What was nepeta going to think? Would she drop her crush on karbro and love me? Or would she reject me? I paced inside of my room which was practically a junk yard full of shit, that I really didn't need.

But who cares right? Anyways I decided to go outside and find my grubtop and end up finding it all bent by a faygo bush outside. I try to turn it on and miraculously it still works! "thank the merciful messiahs it works!" I mutter and get on pesterchum. I have someone trying to get my attention.

--centaursTesticle [CT] began trolling terminallyCapricious [TC]:--

CT: D--> Highblood

CT: D--> Highblood I have an urgent need to speak with you

TC: HeY mOtHeRfUcKeR wHaTs Up? :o)

CT: D--> Oh you have responded

TC: FuCk YaH i DiD!

TC: WhAtS sO uRgeNt AnYwAyS?

CT: D--> The subject at the moment would be Nepeta my moirail

TC: oh....

CT: D--> I have heard from sertin people that you are red for Nepeta

CT: D--> And I STRONGLY request that you think this over highblood for she is e%tremely not your type and I might as well let you know that she has a STRONG obsession with the leader.

TC: tHe WhO?

CT: D--> Karkat

TC: oh....okay I guess.....

CT: D--> Highblood you have worried me e%tremely for you do not wish to use your jumbled letters

TC: ....

CT: Highblood?

TC: one lucky troll....

--terminallyCapricious [TC] threw his computer again:--

CT: D--> oh.....oh my....

I throw my damn computer again, but this time in a fit of anger GoG I think WhY cOulDnt She LoVe mE? I kick the computer and start pacing around the beach. I'm so fucking frustrated that I could break anything but instead I just lamely kick the computer alittle farther and go inside for another pie.

Gamzee x NepetaWhere stories live. Discover now