Chapter 3

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Side Effects

Cassandra's POV (Hell yeah hoes she's back!)

There kinda is a lot of smut in here but it doesn't actually happen bc I love to fuck with y'all :)

My body felt dead. I thought I was dead. It was like being paralyzed. Or being in a trapped room. I just wanted to get out and be with my friends and my mom. Because my so called "dads" are fucking my family over. Who needs dads?

I couldn't feel my body at all. I tried to move or wiggle my toes but nothing seemed to be working.

I heard footsteps coming in. I could tell you who's footsteps they were from a mile away. It was my mom whenever she's upset or tired. She drags her feet against the ground.

I wanted to talk to her and see her but I could do nothing but breathe.

"Listen honey. I am so sorry that you have to be going through this right now. I wish I can help you but there is only so much I can do. I just need you to put your faith and trust in God and you'll make it. I know you'll make it." My mom said. Her voice was breaking and it was making me sad. I just want to hug her and tell her it's okay but I can't function my own body.

She squeezed my hand. I'M GETTING FEELING BACK!

A moment after, she squeezed once more and she walked out.

I wiggled my hand around.

I heard the door open again. I heard similar footsteps but they weren't as light as my moms.

It was Drew.

Never in a million years I would think that I would like him. But damn that boy was fine. He's so cute. I wonder how he is around babies. What about sex?

"Cassandra I put you through a whole lot these past couple of days. I'd understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore. But know that I'll still fight for you. But right now I need you to show them that you aren't going to die because you're the only thing that has been keeping me sane. I just need you to show me a sign that you're here."

I felt like crying.

He kissed my lips.

Holy Fuck! Aw shit I was so hype. I wanted him to kiss me longer but there isn't much you can do when someone doesn't kiss back.

Whenever I regain full consciousness he is gonna get some good ass lovin.

Drew walked out and I started to think about him. I wonder if we dated for a while would he marry me. What would be the perfect wedding dress? Does he want any kids? How many kids does he want? How is he as a husband? Is he dominant because I like my mans that take control on what he wants. How is sex gonna be like with him?

I don't know why but I'm addicted to sex even though I never had it. I'm saving it though I'm not Mormon.

But it was bad. I started to feel a heartbeat in my vagina. I was seriously that horny?

The heart beats started to go faster and faster. Then I pass out. I guess I'm dreaming now:


Drew and I were sitting on a couch. I don't know whose couch it was but Drew's hand was on my thigh. It was very close to Cassandra's kitty. (Lmao I'm crying)

I looked at him and I swatted his hand away. He sucked his teeth.

I got from up the couch. Knowing he was watching me, I looked at him and bit my lip and swayed my hips over dramatically and walked out the room.

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