Chapter 22

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Trials And Tribulations

Cassandra's POV

"I'm gay kinda? There's no kinda. It's you are or you aren't." I said sticking my head out. It was a habit when I was telling someone about themselves.

"Ugh I don't know what I want Cassandra." Hunter said collapsing onto my bed.

Good thing my legs were crossed in Indian Style or they would've been crushed by Hunter's big self.

But he was in distress so I have to find out what was really bugging him.

"Hunter Ive known you way too long where I caught on to all of your quirks. That's not the only thing bothering you." I said.

Hunter gave a deep sigh and sat up on my bed facing me. He looked me in the eye like he was searching for something.

"I don't know if I should be scared or flattered that you know that much about me." He said trying to lighten the mood but in response I gave a fake laugh.

"It's not cutting it?" He asked

I shook my head no.

"Hunter. Just tell me." I said to him. He was honestly making me so mad I didn't even know what to do with myself.

"Well listen Cassandra maybe I don't want to think about everything right now and maybe I don't want you to fucking know because it's none of your fucking business okay?!" He snapped on me.

My jaw dropped.

I wasn't expecting that reaction from Hunter because he never talked to me like that. I didn't know how to react.

We just made eye contact.

He shook his head and scowled at me. Then, he scooted of the bed and he left the room.

I was just left in the room in silence. I could hear the people outside my room having different conversations. But their conversations made me think back to the one that Hunter and I had previously.

On his side yes. That was none of my business but then I am just trying to be a good friend and look out for Hunter. On my side, I don't think that I deserved him to snap at me like that I was just trying to see what was wrong. But if he doesn't want me to know I won't know then.

Not too long after, Kendall, Drew, and Adam came back in the room and tossed me a bag of chips.

I just looked at them and thanked them.

"The tension in this room is thicker than Nicki Minaj." Adam said out of no where. Mind you he kind of yelled it.

I jumped at his outburst and giggled a little bit but I got mad again.

"Ayo what happened between you guys because Hunter walked passed us like you and him look mad as shit." Kendall said perking up.

"It's not my business to tell." I said shortly. I wasn't in the mood for talking.

I didn't look at them anymore I just stared at the wall in front of me.

"Welp guys I gotta go to my room now so I can get ready to leave." Adam said frowning a little bit.

I gave him a small "okay" as he returned a small smile then he left out of my room.

15 minutes passed slowly but then my nurse came in.

"Hey Cassandra. We're ready for your departure." She said smiling.

"Finally. I thought I was in here forever." I said smiling. I was really excited to come back. I don't know exactly where I would go but my mom said she rented a new house away from you know who.

After she unhooked me from all the IV and the rest of the wires, we all walked out of the room leaving my mom to deal with paperwork.

Kendall and I decided to wait in the lobby for Adam to come out to say our final goodbyes. Drew was acting like he didn't care but we all know that he's going to miss his new found friend.

Not too long after my mom filled out the paperwork basically saying that I was being released, Adam came down with a black shirt and pants with a navy blue bomber jacket. He looked flee as hell.

"Okay Adam I see you." I said being funny.

"I know right. It's oil." He said smiling.

"Oil?" Hunter said out of no where.

"It means good." Kendall said informing him.

"Oh." He said nodding his head.

I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. Maybe he's done with his temper tantrum.

"It's been real bro. Make sure you take care of yourself." Drew said giving Adam a bro hug.

"He called me bro guys." Adam said teasing Drew making him look down and blush.

"Awww." Kendall and I chimed in making his face even more red.

I pinched his cheeks and awed in his face like he was a little baby. He pursed his lips and he kissed my nose.

"Goals." Adam and Kendall said. Adam had put his elbow on Kendall's shoulder because of their height difference. Over the two weeks, we were asking everyone questions and we found out that Adam's pray mantis havin ass is 6'5.

"Last time I checked, you guys didn't play soccer." Hunter said playing with us.

I'm glad he wasn't in one of his moods again but I wasn't going to talk to him right now because if you want me to be honest he hurt my feelings. And I don't think he's gonna want to talk to me right now anyways.

Hunter on the other hand just kept looking at me.

No my face wasn't turned towards him but I could see him out of my peripheral vision.

"Hey Cassandra." Hunter said looking me in the eyes as if he was searching for something.

"Hey Hunter." I said in return. My plan was to not talk to him right now but my plans usually never work out anyways.

"Lo Siento." He said hugging me.

Okay I'm so so sorry for updating so late and I'm really just trying to finish this book so I can start to publishing other books and ideas because I know if I do it at the same time it's gonna be a hot mess.

But thanks for continuing to be there.

Don't be a ghost reader

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