Chapter 18

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Back To Square One

Cassandra's POV

It's so cute how Jen thinks that she can just come back into our lives and she's trying to use Caiden. Veronica? I mean come on now she could've picked another name. She doesn't even look like a Veronica.

"Why are you here again? Do you need your ass whooped again?" Kendall said walking up to her and getting all in her face.

"Wait again? The hell did I miss?" I asked confused.

"Another story for another time. But Kendall chill out for a second." Hunter said trying to pull Kendall back.

Kendall on the other hand was not having any of that.

"Nah Hunter let me talk to Veronica real quick." she said shooing him away from him.

"Kendall I said no." he said more sternly.

What is with the guys coming at us crazy?

"But Hunter I said yes." Kendall said turning around but on the other hand, Hunter was boutta snatch her ass in another room.

Drew and I looked at each other in confusion.

I broke me and Drew's staring contest of confusion and looked around. Once again my mom was no where to be found.

Honestly since she wanted nothing to do with me I wanted nothing to do with her. She can't guilt gift me. I won't accept that shit.

I took my concern off of my mother and focused on the real problem. Jen is back again and she's probably trying to get revenge.

"Kendall get back here before I have to do something that I will regret." he said warning her.

Hunter is probably just talking because he's a total sweet heart.

"Hunter for the last time I said no." she said to Hunter.

Kendall and Hunter started to argue.

Drew and I looked at each other again and this time we kind of had the same look of confusion on our faces.

"What should we do?" I mouthed to Drew

"I don't know!" he mouthed back.

We grimaced at each other and we turned our attention back over to Kendall, Hunter and Jen.

Surprisingly, I forgot Jen was here. She wasn't interfering with anyone's conversation so she was kind of just standing there.

It looked like she was plotting something and what ever she was planning to do was obviously going to be against us

I snapped my fingers softly just to get Drews attention.

He looked at me.

"Come here." I mouthed.

I looked over at Jen who was engrossed in Hunter and Kendall's argument. Caiden left again. As usual.

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