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I talked to Michael for about half an hour. I found out he moved recently, that he's nineteen and that little girl is his sister. We have some same interests, mostly bands. He said he's still in school because he made some bad decisions in his past.

*time skip:
brought to you by Michael turning 21*

School started. It's my last year. Thank God. If you're wondering what is a 17 year old doing in twelfth grade, I've skipped a year. And that's one of the reasons I'm made fun of.

When Ashton was still in school, no one dared to say anything to me because if Ash found out they would get beaten up and Ash had a reputation... Not really a good one. He was the school's bad boy. Although differently from the other "bad boys" he never bullied anyone and he had pretty good grades. But now, he's not here and I get pushed around... By everyone and anyone who isn't lazy.

Though there's always a bright side! And it's that Ash regularly keeps me updated on what's happening with him so I know that he's not dying and me and Michael are getting closer and closer.

"Cal. Calum! Hey Earth to princess I'm-so-gay?" I feel Michael shaking me. "Huh? Oh sorry." I blush "Were you even listening?" I look down "No, sorry. What were you saying?" He let out a deep sigh "I was asking a very important, life or death question. Who do you think is hotter Oli Sykes or Vic Fuentes?" We were currently eating in the schools cafeteria. Oh! And Michael goes to the same school as me. (Yeah, ik. Rll convenient. Such plot. Much original. Very wow.) "Cal!" Mikey shouted "Oh um... That's a really hard question..." I said rubbing my chin. "I don't know... I'm thinking.... Andy Biearsacks!" I exclaimed with my pointer finger in the air. "True, True... But He's not one of the options" Michael said laughing. "In that case Oli. All of his tattoos, and his hair and his jaw line... Ah his jaw line... You could grade chees on that. And, and uh... If he's wearing a beanie.... He's an angel with a devils body"

After my rant about how much I like Oliver Sykes we sat in silence for a little while then Mikey broke the silence "Hey, Cal I was wondering maybe you could help me with math?" He asked making the puppy dog eyes "Yeah sure. When?" "Today after school if that's okay with you" he said while eating. Rude much? "Okay"

*Time skip: brought to you by my tears bc Mikey is frikin' 21!*

We met after school and went to Michaels car. He has a black 1967 chevy impala. In my opinion one of the most beautiful cars in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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