Just Kiss Me

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I sat at the Starbucks in my car waiting for Sebastian. My stomach started hurting a bit. Though, I feel a little bad about not telling him, it's not my fault at all. I noticed him pull up and get out the car, so I honked so he would come to mine.

He came and sat in my car. "You wanted to meet me here?" he said.

"Look Sebastian, why are you the one pissed at me? I can't help being pregnant and married; it was high school Sebastian." I said.

"But don't you remember that you broke up with me? I still and always will love you Naya." he said. He turned out the window.

What do I say to that? I somewhat lost feelings for him when he was in bed with a skank!

"I get that, I continued having feelings for you for a while Sebastian! Then we just lost contact; it's not my fault we went our seperate ways."

He just stared straight.

"Say something." I said.

He looked at me and grabbed my chin, pulling it towards his. Our lips were less than two inches away and I could feel the heat from his breath.

"It's not fair-" he said looking in my eyes.

"I want us back." he continued.

I just focused on his lips, not thinking straight at all! My heart was racing and I didn't know what to do. His lips brushed past mine, teasing me.

"Just kiss me." I gave in.

What am I saying?!

He did so. It was soft at first, then got harder. I missed these lips. Still the same pink kissable lips. Kyle.

I stopped. "I'm sorry Sebastian, I can't be doing this. I'm married and p-"

"He doesn't seem like a guy to give two shits about you Naya! I'll raise that child as my own, I want you Naya." he interrupted.

"I'll call later." I ignored his plead. He shook his head and got out the car to jog to his.

I felt my eyes tear up; I can't believe what just happened. I told him to kiss me and I felt so many sparks when we did.  I pulled out the parking lot and drove straight home. I got in to see Kyle pacing back and forth.

"Babe, what's going on?" I asked worried.

He just shook his head at me and pointed to the t.v. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was me and Sebastian kissing in the car. Who the fuck took these pictures?! How did it get on t.v. in less than three hours?

I looked at Kyle.

"Babe look-" I felt a hard hit to my face. He slapped me. He's never put his hands on me. He hit me.

"You go out and do this damn shit-" he pushed me down to the couch.

My baby.

"Kyle stop." I cried.

"-should've told him to stop kissing you." his hands hitting my stomach. I covered it and he realized what he was doing then stopped.

"You get treated like a whore when you act like one." he went upstairs. I never seen him act with violence towards me.


I felt a pain in my stomach and knew it was time.

I don't want to go anywhere near Kyle so I texted his parents, Valerie, and well, Sebastian. I texted them all I was in labor and told them I'd be at the hospital.


"Ma'am how recent are these bruises?" the nurse said studying my stomach and face.

"Too recent-"

"We came as soon as possible sweety where's Kyle?!" Mrs. French said walking in the room.

"Dear God what happened to you sweetheart!" she continued.

"Ma'am can we please be alone for a few minutes?" I asked the nurse. She gave me epidural because I was in unbearable pain; I'm not even 6 cm dialated! She nodded and left out.


"Kyle huh?" Mr. French said. I nodded trying to hold my tears of fear and pain.

"How'd you know?" I said.

That moment I said it, Mrs. F pulled her turtle neck collar down revealing purple bruises in the shape of hands.

"Runs in the family." he laughed. I looked in horror and disgust before Valerie walked in with her kids and husband.

"Our family secret now Naya sweety. We'll call Kyle for you." they walked out.

"Babygirl how you feelin'? Where'd these bruises come from?" V asked.

I am scared to say anything. I really am.

"Get the nurse." I avoided. My stomach was getting worse, this baby was coming sooner than I thought. They all left out and the nurse came in with a doctor. He explained everything and told me I should be having the baby early the next day. I would at least thought Sebastian would be here but he's not!

12:52 AM, Saturday

I knew it was time. There was a knock at my door and I said come in in a strained voice. Sebastian? I was sweaty and hot, I thought it was a illusion.

"What happened Naya? Are you okay? Who the fuck did this? Where's that bastard; I swear-" he started hitting things and walking back and forth.

"Get the doctor." I whispered.


"GET THE DAMN DOCTOR SEBASTIAN!" I yelled. He realized I was about to pop this baby and yelled out the door. Within minutes I was being told to push. This was a lot harder than I thought! It wasn't that painful but it wasn't pleasent.

"I see the head sweety let's push one more time." he said. Sebastian was the only person I was in here with but Kyle's my husbamd! Of course I don't want him around me and this newborn; but he's the father. Of my child.

I pushed a hard and final last time and heard my son's cry. I cryed from being overwhelmed and happy.

Sebastian wiped my forehead and put his on mine. "I love you Naya." he said.

I can't say anything.

"Your beautiful boy ma'am; does he have a name?" the doctor asked handing me my son. I cried. I'm a mother. Of a human-being.

"Terrence James-" "Martinez." Sebastian interrupted.


"You're the father sir?" he asked scribbling on a paper.

"N-" "Yes sir." I'd choke him and say he wasn't if I didn't want to startle my baby and hurt him.

"Sebastian what a-" I started.

"We'll get his certificate soon and you should be able to leave tomorrow. We'll leave your son in the room with you. He is 7 pounds and extremely healthy. Congradulations again." the doctor said walking out. The nurse took Terrence and put him in this baby thing. I didn't study anything about having a baby, I didn't know what it was! Don't judge me!

Everyone left except Sebastian. I stared with anger in my eyes. Kyle's gonna kill me when he realizes what Sebastian did!

"What the hell was that!?" I yelled at him.

"I told you this before Naya, I will raise that baby with you before your wad of a 'husband' ever puts a hand on you again." he said back. I cried.

What am I gonna do.

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