Being Stupid

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I am so sorry for slow updating lovelies! It's not fair to you or any who read my stories and I apologize for that <3 xx


I woke up in this hotel room with TJ laying on the bed peacefully. I watched as his chest went up and down while he breathed. I got up and stretched before I ran to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet. I heaved up whatever was left in my stomach and shook my head praying to God that I wasn't pregnant at a time like this. Of course I want another child but with all this shit going on, it's stressful. I grabbed my toothbrush from my mini travel bag and checked on TJ again before brushing.

I looked at my self in the mirror and just admired my own features from back to front. Terrence is the reason I'm a C cup now and I just have a tiny bit of fat from my pregnancy still on me. My hair's gotten longer, about shoulder-blade length, but I don't glow like I used to.

I used a face towel to clean my face and put some lotion on it so it wouldn't be dry. I looked at the time reading 9:09 AM and went to check my phone for anything.

Call Me asap -Valerie

I called her assuming something was important.

"Hey Nay." she answered.

"Hey what's up?"

"I really need you to go back with Sebastian-"

"Look Vals, I understand the media is sweating all of us but I'm done, I don't really know what to do. I slept with him and threw up this morning-"

"And who exactly did you sleep with?"


"Are you fucking kidding me Naya?! Why would you do that because out of all people, I know you don't get horny enough to sleep with your abusive ex-husband." she spat.

"I know you care for me but I don't need you in all this. I trust your word and shit but I plan on trying to sit down, all of us, and figure out what's happenin-"

"If you would've let me finish earlier, I was gonna say that Bash wasn't coming back here to Oklahoma. He said he had no reason to while he texted David yesterday. You're too damn naïve to trust your high school sweetheart, may I add, and go and hear him out. But no, your ass wants to sleep with Kyle. I'm hanging up because you pissing me off. Get your ass on a flight today and go after what you need; and what you need is Sebastian. Call me later, bye." she hung up.

I looked back at TJ chewing on his fingers, wondering when he woke up. I contemplated, wondering what to do even though I knew I should fly back to California to be with Bash. But now I feel terrible because I slept with Kyle; I don't even know why I did it. I feel like a backstabbing bitch to Bash and like a cheater.  I heard a knock at my door and went to look through that peephole. Kyle and a maintenance woman.

I stayed quiet and picked up a tired TJ who looked irritated for an 11 month old. I went to the door before the lady could unlock it and opened it.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Thank you ma'am. Lost my key babe." he winked shooing the lady. When she closed the door his face turned completely. "Where the hell were you last night?" he followed me back to the bedroom. I was getting the hell out of here and going back to Bash.

"I came here. I'm not sleeping in that bed, nor in that house ever again." I said sitting TJ in the bed and going in the bathroom to grab all my items I brought.

"You're not leaving again Naya. If you do, I'm taking my son-"

"And how will you do that? Sebastian is more of a father than you'll ever be. I'm not keeping my son around you or your whore infested environment." I said putting it in my luggage that I managed to grab. He stood in my way with such hatred.

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