Chapter 1-Annabeth Pov

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"Happy birthday!" Seaweed brain Covered my eyes and kissed my cheek.

"Percy, what are you doing here at my work?" I shook his hands off and looked up in my chair.

He was smiling with his hands behind his back.

"I wanted to see you. it's my baby's birthday, why not?" He leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

"Come sit." I kissed him again.

He sat down besides me. He brought out from his back a container of chocolate Oreos and The magic drink from camp.

I missed that place. but it was time to move on. I was 20 today.

I pulled my hands away from the laptop and kissed Percy Again and took a chocolate from the box.

My favorite! Chocolate covered Cherries.

"Good huh? we'll today my plan for us today we ditch this joint, go home and snuggle under the covers for a couple of hours, then go to a party for you." he popped a chocolate cherrie in his mouth smiling

"But my boss-"

"Already talked to him. he said it was ok." he smirked.

"Fine. only for you though." I smiled.

I missed him during the day. Then when it was time to go home, he would be cooking dinner and he would give me everything I need after a stressful day.

He pulled me up from my desk chair and slid his arm around my waist.

He was a good looking guy. Bed hair and a stubble made him even better looking.

He had green stormy eyes now. Still the black hair.

I had dirty blonde hair of course still and grey eyes with a tint of blue/green

His eyes were stormy because he loved me. And I had a tint of blue/green because I loved him.

We got married a little over a year ago. Our anniversary was a month ago.

Now my birthday.

He made goofy faces in the car trying to make me crack up laughing.

I did too. I slid my hand into his. Once we pulled into our driveway he leaned over and kissed me.

"C'mon wise girl lets go in side." He said and ran around the car and opened the door.

He was the best husband ever.

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