Chapter 2-Percy

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I cradled Annabeth while she slept.

I trailed my finger across her bare skin, her blonde hair flowing over her shoulders and my chest.

I smiled at her then kissed her to wake up my sleeping Beauty. Her eyes sparkled as she sunk into the kiss.

"Had to wake me up?" she grinned.

"Kinda, we have to leave in an hour." I shrugged.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier! I have to take a shower! you do too, you smell of fish." she said.

"We all know you like my smell." I kissed her again.

"Yeah I know. reminds me of when we first kissed. still feels like that kiss. c'mon now, We'll take a shower together." she grabbed my hand.

"That's a first!" I joked.

"And just for that I'm choosing your outfit tonight, plus it's my birthday. No hoodie and jeans for you." she teased.

"Fine. only because I love you."

With that we hopped Into the shower real quick. She picked out a blue dress short out and the grey tie I wore at our wedding, and jeans.

I wore my converse also. that's the only thing I was allowed to pick out. Annabeth as somewhat of a fashion sense. Piper has rubbed off on her.

She came out in a blue sundress and flats i couldn't really see. He hair was curly, like I liked it.

I pulled my jacket on and hooked my arm into hers.

"You look beautiful." I kissed her.

"Just noticed that?" she jokes.

"No I see it every day. when I wake up, come home, on my phone, and when I lay my head down to sleep." I said.

She stopped and faced me. I smiled and put my finger underneath her chin and pulled in her face to deepen a kiss we never really had.

I pulled away smiling. I loved her so much, it killed me if she ever left.

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