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I was stressed. I was tired. I didn't want to do anything. Annabeth had to go back to work yesterday. while the company I'm working at is currently on break.

Mel was a few months old now. since she got out of the hospital about a month ago.

She had to go back again last week but everything's fine. I hear her cry from the nursery.

I get up my computer and go to her. I see her frustrate on the ground trying to reach for the dangling things. A play mat is what Jason called it.

"Determined just like mommy huh?" I joke and kneel down.

I see her smile. then reach for my hand and holds onto one of my fingers. I lay on my stomach.

She wasn't small anymore. She smiled again and lifted her head a little. In a baby development book i read this was a good sign.

"Your my little girl you know that?" I pick her up and place her on my chest.

She lifted her head and put it back down.

I fell asleep with her on my chest.


Gonna go by 1 month starting now!

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