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I've wanted to be there ever since. To lay with Percy and get up in the middle of the night to get Melody.

Percy went home early to set up the nursery. Melody well she was bigger than she started out.

She looked so much like Percy. Expect a streak of faint blonde hair on the side of her fuzzy head.

I cradled her while I waited for the nurse to do a final test for her.

Everything was going to change from now on.

"Hey Baby girl." I Hear my dad say.

"Hi daddy." I said not looking up.

"C'mon. Your house looks amazing."

"I'm scared dad." I said.

He smiled and sat by me wrapping his arm around me.

"We all get scared. Especially first time parents. I was terrified of raising you by myself. now your raising a little girl yourself with my amazing son in law Percy. your going to do great." He kissed the side of my head

Then Focused on his grand baby Melody.

"She's going to be a killer." I said

"Just like you."


Sorry! I tried to finish it last night but ALOT Of things happened.

This guy who's my little cousins dad tried to take them last night. And cut my aunt with a knife so yeah. police were called last night and this morning because he kept COMIN back.

It's scary.

Schools back tomorrow! I need to check my grades :( hopefully I'll pass history!

I really need a tutor in that subject.

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