Chapter 1

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I looked out of my window and sighed, the sun shining the last rays of the day. Why is life so complicated for me all I wanted was a normal teenage girl's life but no something had to be abnormal. Well more like I had to be abnormal. I had accepted that I was a lycan years ago, but lately it was becoming more aggravating. My father has told me that I was to stay in my room until I learned my lesson. He kept telling me that a lycan princess shouldn't be roaming about with the likes of "them". He always called my friend and long time crush Cameron that, he never used his name. Lycans like my father have always had a grudge against Vampires especially ones like Cameron who are pure blooded. It all started because of a war that was started because of two lovers who were of separate species. A vampire named Elizabeth fell in love with my ancestor Victor who was a Lycan. Which made the Vampire King Lawrence very unhappy because Elizabeth was his youngest and most precious daughter. He was so angry that when he found out that she was with child he had locked her into a tomb and said that she would never leave. She had had the baby but her father killed it before she ever held it. Which when Victor found out he got seriously mad and went on a bloody rampage and even tried to kill Lawrence but ended up getting himself killed. He wasn't one of my smartest ancestors but it as kinda funny how I was named after him. The war started to calm down 10 years ago when Lurana, Lawrence’s oldest daughter had killed him in his sleep. I was only 7 then and didn't understand but I knew it was a great day for the lycans but for the vampires it created confusion. Lurana is now the queen and she had opened the tomb of Elizabeth who was mummified from years with out blood. It was great but it took a while for her to get back to normal, Cameron told me that she was completely confused when she awoke but she adjusted over a few years. Even though it has been 10 years now, Lycans and Vampires still hold a grudges in their hearts. My father was one of the most stubborn men I know so I know he still held a grudge. Which led him to not want me to hang out with Cameron.

I turned away from the window the sky a light blue. Hmm time to get out of this hell hole before someone checks on me. I walked over to the book case and pulled on one of the oldest books. The case popped open silently, I smiled to myself, I’m glad I choose this room when we first moved here after the death of my grandfather who used to be the Lycan king. Now my father is filling his spot and ruling the Lycans with a strong fist just like his mean ass father. Don’t get me wrong I loved my grandfather but he was a bit of a bastard when he wanted to be which was all the time. I slipped through the back of the book case and closed it behind me. Darkness surrounded me, my eyes adjusted as I walked forward, I knew these corridors too well now I could probably walk them blindfolded. As I walked deeper into the darkness the closer to freedom I was. It started to get lighter after about 15 minutes of walking, the exit was right ahead. I opened the door that lead to the outside of the Mansion only a gate that was easily jumpable, and then i was home free. I looked around cautiously making sure no one was around then I crouched and leaped over the 2 story fence that surrounded the estate of the manor. I landed on the other side with a light thump of my feet hitting the ground. I looked around me then started to run towards mine and Cameron's hide out half way across the city but I could make it there easily before a car could. He said he would be there when I got out and I trusted his word. I started to slow my pace to a walk as I got into the crowd. It would look weird if I was running, I want to blend not have a sign over my head screaming, "She's not suppose to be here!" I still walked at a fast pace wanting to get to Cameron as soon as I could. The sun was completely out of site which didn‘t matter much because vampire don‘t actually burst into flame in sun light.

As I neared the hide out, I smelled the scent of a vampire, I looked around my body ready to defend itself. I spotted James, Cameron's best guy friend leaning against the door of the abandoned house Cameron and I used, we call it "The House”. Oh great this should be very interesting. I walk straight up to him, "What are you doing here?" my voice laced with distaste. I've never have really liked James, he just annoyed the hell out of me by just not saying anything. He shrugged in reply, I rolled my eyes, "What ever." and opened the door not waiting for him to follow, I closed the door. I quickly ran up the stairs trying not to fall through them at the same time. I made my way through the dirty hallways to the door at the end. I opened it and smiled as I saw Cameron sitting on the edge of the dirty old bed that was there when we first found this place. he smiled back at me, my heart jumped in my chest. He stood up and walk towards me, I meet him halfway and hugged him. I hugged him close to my body, not ever wanting to lose the closeness but he pulled away from our embrace. He looked at me in concern, "Are you alright? Did anyone see you?" I smiled at his worry. "I'm fine and the only one that saw me was James and I don't think he counts." he laughed, "That’s good." He walked back to the bed and sat down, patting next him. "So Victoria what did your father do and say about us hanging out." his face showing nothing but seriousness. I sighed as I sat down next to him, "Well he yelled saying, 'What the hell was going through your mind when you where roaming the streets with a vampire and a royal one for that matter!' He sent me to my room and told me to stay there until I learned my lesson. Which I promptly didn't do as you see me next to you." He laughed darkly, "Figures, what else do I expect from him." he shook his head and leaned back onto the bed. I smiled ruefully, "He doesn't hate you personally its just because of what and who you are." he closed his light blue eyes, his shoulder length light brown hair spread across the musty bed. I leaned over him, my dark brown hair hung a few inches from his face.

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