Chapter 12

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Song Jihye POV

Ugh! We have to go to the art museum today. I don't really want to go but, if it's going to get me out of classes, then sign me the fuck up.

Mrs. Kwon yelled at our class to stand in pairs. Sighing, I walked to the back of the line and waited for an odd pair to move back and someone line up with me.

Sadly, no one stood next to me. Thinking why? Well, because remember I'm a "slut".

As we all started walking down the hallway, someone joined me.

"Hey." A deep voice startled me.

Looking up, I saw that it was Jungkook. He had a smile on his face as he looked at me. Being suspicious, I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why are you walking with me?"

Jungkook turned his head towards the front while we walked out of the school. Outside, we stopped dead as we approached the street intersection.

School had just started recently, so it was the beginning of spring. We were wearing our winter uniforms still, because it was still very chilly in Seoul.

"I would like to join you." Jungkook suddenly spoke again.

Looking up, I saw that he was not even looking at me. He kept his face blank as he stared at the students in front of us chattering with one another.

"Join me in what?"

"Join your game."

I clicked my tongue. Namjoon already informed him about it. You don't know how much I really don't want to add you into it, but I can't risk getting my parents in trouble.

"First, it's not a game. Second, you don't know how much shit you're getting yourself into."

"I do actually know what I'm getting into and, I'm fine with that."

"You're fine capturing and killing people that I assign you to?"

Jungkook sighed quickly. He looked down at me while I kept staring up into his face that softened as I kept staring and staring at it.

"I understand that you're doing this against your own free will, so I will stand by you."

My breathing stopped. What? No. No. No. Please do not do this just for me. I already hate myself for doing this, just please get out of this.

"I-I Jungkook, please re-think it."

"No, I made my decision and it's final. I know that your parents would go to jail if I denied."

Wait. Is he just giving me a favor now?

"Are you only doing this just so my parents wouldn't get in trouble?"

"No, I'm doing it because I actually care about you."

Oh my god.

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