Chapter 22

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I ran to the nearby window, opening it up quickly, I started to crawl through it.

I was wearing a hospital gown and my room was on the sixth floor.

How am I going to get down?

Shuffling through the small ledge outside of the window, I heard the door knob open all the way.

"Jihye?" A voice mumbled inside the room.

No. No. No.

It's Jungkook! Please no, I have to get out of here.

I kept and kept shuffling towards the neighboring window. Looking into it, I saw a young girl who was watching television.

She saw me staring at her, and let out a screech of surprise.

As quickly as I could, I moved away from her window and moved closer towards the back of the hospital.

If I go through the front, I'll look more suspicious than going through the back.

Also, I noticed that I was taller. In my new body, I was a head taller than my old one.


I finally got to the edge of the back of the hospital. Still, it was too high for me to jump and land safely.


Grinning, I saw a truck below me. It wasn't just any truck, it was the mattress truck that brought mattresses for the hospital beds.

Well aren't I lucky?

Looking around, I saw that no one was near it and was about to jump, when the engine started.

The truck started to slowly drive away towards the front of the hospital. I only had a few more moments left before the truck would completely get away from my view.

Jumping, I was in the air. Looking around, I saw that other patients around me stood up near the window and stared at me as I jumped towards the truck.

Would I make it? The world would never know.

And yes! I made it!

I landed lightly onto the piles of mattresses that were around the truck.

Wait, where am I going?

Looking around, the truck made a sharp turn towards the main road of the street that was to the right of the hospital.

The turn was very sharp that the mattresses fell out and I did along with them.

I stumbled and flopped onto the streets ground as cars stopped instantly as I lay on the ground. I was panting, and I had to run away.

Many drivers got out of their cars and tried to help me up but I declined their offers. I managed to stand up and wobbled to nearby stores.

Many people stared at me in horror or shock as they saw a hospital patient escape.

Entering a local clothing store, I bought many outfits for me to keep for now.

Changing, I wore something that was not typical of me.

I have to disguise myself. I don't look like the old Jihye, but my personality says so otherwise.

Looking at myself in the wardrobes mirror, I saw myself differently.

I wasn't the tough looking, sadistic, quiet girl anymore, I was the innocent, optimistic, charming girl.

I'm wearing a dress and i actually don't look like a potato in it! Wow score for me.

To be clear, it wasn't a fancy dress. It was more of a basic short dress that was casual.

It was white colored, which seemed to match the color of my skin.

Well, I guess this is the new me.

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