Cancer (f) x Scorpio (m)

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After Cancer clicked her camera, she made sure the photo was the way she wanted it to be. She was currently underneath the Eiffel Tower in Paris, in search for the best view she could ever get to win the contest. "Do you think this is a good one?" She asked her sister, Pisces.

"Yes, everything you took looks wonderful

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Yes, everything you took looks wonderful. Now let's get food, I never tasted food here in Paris." Pisces said and grabbed Cancer's wrist. The girl laughed but let her sister drag her around the Eiffel Tower.

"Le Jules Vern?" Cancer mumbles to herself when they stopped. "It's going to be expensive, Pi." She warned.

"So? You deserve this, Cance. You've been traveling around France for a week!" Pisces exclaims. "We deserve a window seat, okay?" She continued. Cancer nodded and took a couple of pictures of the beautiful view.

"Aimer la vue?" A deep, raspy, but kind sounding voice surprised Cancer

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Aimer la vue?" A deep, raspy, but kind sounding voice surprised Cancer. She turned around to meet a tall young man, around 20s or so.

"Excuse me?" Cancer embarrassingly asks since she doesn't know French.

"Oh, sorry. Loving the view?" He translated. The guy stood beside Cancer and leaned on the metal bars that kept them from falling.

"Of course! Um, I'm Cancer. A tourist slash mini-photographer, currently competing in the competition named PhotoQueen in Canada, nice to meet you!" Cancer kindly smiles.

"I'm Scorpio, nice to meet you. Je vois des touristes tous les jours mais je n'ai jamais vu quelqu'un comme toi avant." Scorpio smirked.

Cancer raised an eyebrow and set down her camera. "I said I didn't speak French, um, Scorpio." She said.

"I know." He pointed out and leaned in a little bit closer. "I said, I see tourists everyday but I've never seen someone like you before. You're a nicer view than Paris, love." He muttered, loud enough for only two of them to hear.

Cancer instantly blushed and couldn't believe her ears when he said that. "Thanks." She mumbles. She watched how Scorpio's lips turn into a smile, how a dimple poked out from his right cheek, how there's a little stubble on his face, and felt how her heart is beating faster. "Um, I need to go." She excused herself. With no words leaving from both of their mouths, Cancer rushed inside to find Pisces smirking at her.

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