sagittarius (f) x leo (m)

767 14 5

Requested by: @EEFWantstobattle

SAGITTARIUS: "I have this odd feeling that it won't go down well."

LEO: "Why not?"

SAGITTARIUS: "I just have."

VIRGO: "That's called a gut feeling." (Sag and Leo jumps)

TAURUS: (Taurus walks over them, arms crossed) "We were supposed to be planting not joining this!"

SCORPIO: (glares) "Shut up, Taurus."

TAURUS: "It's been a long time since I've seen you with long hair." (pats Scorpio's head)

SCORPIO: (flicks off Taurus' hand away from her)"I said shut up."

PISCES: "I think she looks beautiful!" (hugging Scorpio's arm to his) "And mysterious." (Scorpio rolls her eyes)

LIBRA: (hesitant) "Might want to fix your eye makeup though, Scorps."

SCORPIO: "Okay, first of all: do not call me Scorps. Second of all, what's wrong with my eye makeup?!" (Libra tuts and takes out an eyeliner out of her pocket, begins fixing Scorpio's eye makeup)

AQUARIUS: "We need to hush down."

CAPRICORN: (purposely teasing Aqua) "The hell is a hush down?!"

AQUARIUS: "And why do you keep on attacking me?!"

GEMINI: "My dad's a police and I told him to specifically not go down here."

SAGITTARIUS: (sarcastic) "Wow, how subtle." (Leo snorts)


CANCER: "I can hush." (the signs watch as a stranger walk past them quickly) "Poor person. She might've thought we were spies or something."

PISCES: "I feel so badass."

LEO: "Yeah and can y'all shut up now?" (all of them quiets down) "Oh, wow, okay. Anyway, you know what to do. Be back before midnight. Call if you need any help." (the signs nod) "Ready? One, two, three... GO!"

SAGITTARIUS: (they all run inside the maze, each of them splitting up to teams — Leo & Sagittarius, Aries & Gemini, Aquarius & Capricorn, Scorpio & Pisces, Cancer & Taurus, Virgo & Libra — , Sag jogs up to Leo) "How long do you think this would last?"

LEO: (panting) "Maybe 20 minutes, or an hour, or even the whole night. Who knows? Time isn't easy to know once you're inside."

SAGITTARIUS: "I feel like we're in the Harry Potter maze thing. Or even the Maze Runner thing."

LEO: "Well that's — " (Leo abruptly stops and drops to the floor, he picks on the twigs for a bit before seeing a red button) "What do you think this would do?"

SAGITTARIUS: "I hope something good." (Leo clicks it, nothing happens) "Or nothing. That could work too." (they hear a beeping noise, they look up to see a metal ball floating down towards them) "Talk about Hunger Games as well. How cool!"

LEO: (opens the metal ball) "It says: 'Run where your Heart is'."

SAGITTARIUS: "We should run to the middle then."

LEO: "I — " (the ground suddenly begins to crumble, they both look at each other in panic and they begin to run ahead) "Run to the middle. Where the hell is the middle then?"

SAGITTARIUS: (they turn the corner, they both watch as the path they were into a few seconds ago were now gone, the ground falling into a pit of darkness) "There's only one way too find out. C'mon, boost me up."

LEO: "Genius!" (Leo boosts Sagittarius up, Sag then pulls Leo up after her, they're now standing on top of the maze)

SAGITTARIUS: "I think I see the center."

LEO: (they both study the maze for a bit before deciding they should continue on roof instead) "It's much safer anyways, right?"


LEO: "I don't think this is the best time, generally because I don't think at all, but I like you."

SAGITTARIUS: (snickers) "You're cliche, blunt, stupid, and probably also sappy. I like you too."

LEO: "I wasn't expecting that." (Sag raises her eyebrow in confusion) "I'd expect you to slap me and then leave me here alone."

SAGITTARIUS: "I'd never do that! I was even planning on having a dinner date after we're done with this."

LEO: (genuinely excited) "Really?!" (Sag nods) "I wish this was over then." (a very loud noise was heard before they were transported to reality) "Must be our lucky day!"

AQUARIUS: "What lucky day?" (Leo looks at him) "We also won. Yay!"

CAPRICORN: (removes the piece of seaweed off of him) "We swam for like, I don't know,  but Aqua ended up eating kelp."

AQUARIUS: "I liked it!"

SAGITTARIUS: "Eh, I don't care. Leo and I have date to attend to. Adios amigos!"

LEO: "Adios amigas!"

SAGITTARIUS: "Is that a word?"

LEO: "I have no idea."

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