leo (f) x sagittarius (m)

665 11 7

requested by @xXx4SlayerxXx

LEO: (panting, carrying all the bags, trailing behind Sagittarius) "It would be better if you'd help me carry these bags, Sag."

SAGITTARIUS: (doesn't hear Leo and starts touching the trees, talking to himself) "I read a camping book for this particular situation.... ah, yes!" (points to a clear spot) "Large enough to fit a tent, a bonfire, and humans. Leo, if you don't mind, put the bags over there."

LEO: (muttering) "Why did I even agree to this?" (drops the bags)

SAGITTARIUS: "Because you love me?"

LEO: (rolls eyes) "You didn't even help me carry the bags!"

SAGITTARIUS: (pecks Leo on the lips) "You're a complainer." (Leo mutters something) "I'm going to set up the fire."

LEO: (raises eyebrow) "And who's going to set up the tent?"

SAGITTARIUS: (chuckles) "Tsk, tsk, I only made you carry the bags and now you're thinking I'll make you do everything. You have no faith in me, Leo."

LEO: "I — " (pop) "What the — ?" (running could be heard, Leo clutches into Sagittarius' arm)

SAGITTARIUS: (alarmed) "You do gymnastics, right?" (Leo nods frantically) "Climb the trees!" (voices can be heard) "NOW, LEO, CLIMB!"

LEO: (panicking) "I'm not leaving — " (Sagittarius pushes Leo behind a thick tree, 3 punk-looking teenagers appear)

PUNK BOY: "Hi, my name's Andrew." (Leo slowly starts climbing the trees while watching carefully at the scene unfolding)

SAGITTARIUS: (fake smile) "Oh, um, I'm Sagittarius. Nice to meet you! Are you around here, or, um, are you looking for something?"

ANDREW: (grins) "I — " (his friend slaps him in the head) "Ow, Vicky, what's that for?!"

VICKY: (hisses) "You swine! You weren't supposed to say your name, or my name." (to Sagittarius) "We own this land, fool."

SAGITTARIUS: (frowns) "Hey, I'm no — "

VICKY: (snaps) "What was that?"

SAGITTARIUS: "I mean, yeah, okay. I'm just going to, uh, pack... and go." (steps forward to start unpacking)

THIRD PUNK BOY: (blocks Sagittarius, laughs) "You're such an idiot. Did you really think we're just going to watch you pack and go?" (Sagittarius shrugs) "What a fool!" (points a gun to Sagittarius' head, Sagittarius abruptly freeze, Leo silently whimpers) "Give me all you have."

ANDREW: (frowns) "Hey, now, Tom, I thought we're going to do this in a non-violent way?"

TOM: (waves Andrew off) "Screw off, Andrew, you're a wimp. I knew I should've left you behind — " (Sagittarius starts to move but a click was heard, Sagittarius freezes again) "The hell? Vicky, get the bags."

SAGITTARIUS: "Why are you even — ?"

TOM: "I'm broke." (gets Sagittarius' wallet) "Who are you anyway?"

SAGITTARIUS: (mutters sarcastically) "I should be asking you that."

TOM: (sneers) "Answer me, you swine."

SAGITTARIUS: "I'm Sagi — "

TOM: (violently pushes Sagittarius towards the tree Leo was hiding in, drops the gun and instead replaces it with a knife on his neck) "Holy shit! You're a zodiac." (Andrew mutters something, Vicky gasps and rushes toward them) "'Been waiting for this moment in my entire life! Master would reward me!" (Sagittarius subtly exhales so that the knife doesn't press into his skin that hard)

VICKY: (excited) "Lets' bring him to master!"

ANDREW: (mutters) "Yeah, yeah, we should..."

TOM: (smiles evilly) "Where's the other one? Leo?"

VICKY: "Bet she's hiding in the trees." (looking around) "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

SAGITTARIUS: (forcefully) "Who are you?"

TOM: "We're Zodiac killers, Sagittarius. People shouldn't know you escaped. So, it's our job to kill you guys." (presses the knife further until blood starts oozing out, Sagittarius begins to cough violently, Vicky cackles and starts lighting the tree on fire)

LEO: (trembling) "Shit." (looks around, spots a big broken branch and throws it hardly toward Vicky's head, knocking her out)

TOM: (thud!) "The hell happened?" (stops pushing the knife, Sagittarius wheezes, knees Tom hard on the balls, Tom drops on the ground, Sagittarius kicks Tom on the head until he lost consciousness)

SAGITTARIUS: "Every guy has a weakness." (grabs the knife from the ground and freezes again when Andrew held up the gun in front him)

ANDREW: (angry) "You killed my friend!"

SAGITTARIUS: "He was knocked out. I don't kill people."

ANDREW: "You — " (drops on the ground when Leo punched him behind the head)

LEO: (worried) "We didn't kill them, did we?"

SAGITTARIUS: "Nah, I don't think so."

LEO: (laughing) "That was so fun!"

SAGITTARIUS: (laughing as well) "I know right?!"

LEO: "Well, was that in the book as well? That three lunatics would try to kill us?"

SAGITTARIUS: (jokingly) "Maybe... I trained for it."

LEO: (exclaiming) "You're psycho!"

SAGITTARIUS: (smirking, kisses Libra) "You're dating a psycho."

LEO: "Yeah, I am."

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