sagittarius (m) x aquarius (f)

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Requested by: erika2144

SAGITTARIUS: (currently outside Aquarius' window, perched on top of the tree, patiently waiting for Aqua to notice he's there) "AQUARIUS!"

AQUARIUS: (flinches and drops her book, whips her head to see Sag waving at her outside her window, opens the window) "There's a door for a reason, Sag."

SAGITTARIUS: "I didn't want your mum to know or else she'd probably not allow you."

AQUARIUS: (snorts) "How thoughtful of you. What do you need?"

SAGITTARIUS: "I need you," (Aqua raises her eyebrows) "to accompany me this night."

AQUARIUS: "Meaning?"

SAGITTARIUS: (smiles) "Come have a date with me?"

AQUARIUS: (grins) "I am honored." (Sagittarius grins back and they both climb out the window, Sagittarius opens Aqua's door for her and gets in his own)

AQUARIUS: "Where are you taking me?"

SAGITTARIUS: "That would ruin the surprise though."

AQUARIUS: (rolls her eyes) "Fine." (Sagittarius drives for a while before taking a sharp turn, they head towards a cliff before Sag stops, Aqua already has a hint what they're about to do) "Don't tell me we're going city-gazing and a picnic."

SAGITTARIUS: (opens the trunk to reveal a full set of fruits, chips, and beverages) "A picnic inside the car while city-gazing and — " (points upwards) " — stargazing.

AQUARIUS: (uncontrollably smiles) "Since when did you become a romantic?!"

SAGITTARIUS: "Since I met you."


SAGITTARIUS: "You like it though!"

AQUARIUS: (doesn't respond, climbs towards the back and tosses an apple towards Sag) "An apple this night keeps me here tonight."

SAGITTARIUS: (blushing) "And you said I was cheeky!"

AQUARIUS: "But you like it though!"


Author's Note: I just realized I've been doing short stories for the last two weeks or so.... I'm gonna write normal stuff now lmao.

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