signs as lovers

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*use moon or venus*

Aries: The one who's always down for an adventure. Knows how to separate work and play. Fiesty and needs to keep some independence in the relationship.

Taurus: The one who prefers a movie night at home. Super cuddlers who just wanna love you. Sensual, loves the feeling of skin on skin, the sweet aroma of baked goods and the sound of your heart beating when they rest on your chest.

Gemini: The one who knows it all. They frustrate you with their endless debating but in the end, never fail to amaze you with how much knowledge they hold. They love an intellectual challenge and need to be kept on their toes. Lose the intellectual stimulation and lose them too.

Cancer: The one who sticks with you. Theyre there for better or for worse, if you promise them the same. If they're low on food or sleep, expect the crab to show it's claws. They love intimacy with a little spark and a lot of passion. They need lots of love and attention but you're promised the same in return.

Leo: The one who shows you off. They never fail to post your pictures and aren't ashamed to have you on their arm. They need their ego tended to because despite their attempts at hiding it, they're incredibly insecure. They're high maintenance and need loads of attention without being smothered. They show love through gifts and compliments and expect the same.

Virgo: The one whos introspective yet assuring. They're often over critical and anxious but theyre always willing to help you in a crisis. They're incredibly dependable and secure without being clingy. You don't need to question if they love you, because you already know.

Libra: The one who can't make up their mind. They can't seem to pick, whether it's a partner or a place to eat or a new phone, the Libra finds a way to get caught between the choices. They fall in love quickly and often fall out of love at the same pace until they find someone who they truly care for. They're very loving and you can rely on them for a confidence boost.

Scorpio: The one full of raw passion. While a Scorpio may seem harsh and distant at first, you recognize there's a depth and complexity to them nobody can every truly put together. There's always a piece of themselves hidden and it keeps the mystery alive. A high sex drive and lots of passion accompany this sign.

Sagittarius: The one who's always changing. They're adaptive and have fluctuating attitudes and personality traits. They stand by their beliefs but are incredibly open minded. They'll always listen to what you have to say and take your experiences and opinions into account. This sign has an inner free spirit who needs to be nurtured.

Capricorn: The one who plays dirty. They work hard but play harder. They hold a harsh type of romance and aren't very clingy. While they may seem detached in romantic aspects, they never fail to show their passions in the bedroom. They surround themselves with luxury and prefer comfortable and expensive living.

Aquarius: The one who thinks for themselves. They have strong views that are normally unwavered. They want what's best for humanity and the world, they need a partner who acknowledges this side of them. They seem disconnected but always find a way to still show they love you. They like thinking up new, original date ideas and ways to show you how much they truly care.

Pisces: The one who needs you. They love the idea of love. They're escapists at heart and often use sex or other pleasures to mute reality. They become attached easily and once they love you, they're willing to stay through anything. These are the types of lovers who need constant reassurance. They need to know they're needed and wanted and loved. If you show them that, they'll give you the world.

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