signs as teachers

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Aries: Passive-aggressive teacher who always dismisses the class five minutes late. Makes an unnecessarily big deal of students who forget to do their homework. Absolutely loves Kahoot quizzes.

Taurus: Procrastinates on marking papers, and when a student doodles on the worksheet, they complete the doodle. Rewards students with chocolate every time they get a question right.

Gemini: Students always look forward to their entertaining lessons. Lethal levels of sass and always has cool stories to share. Super neat handwriting and always carries around their personal whiteboard marker collection.

Cancer: Soft-spoken teacher who often gets drowned out by the class. Can be super strict and fierce when pissed off. Cute handwriting and draws smiley faces on every worksheet.

Leo: Loud and intimidating. Their powerpoint slides are always aesthetically-pleasing with great font choices. Has the best studying strategies.

Virgo: Strict when marking papers, examines each paper down the very last detail. Hates students with illegible handwriting, but their lessons are very enriching. Always on time to class, and always dismisses students exactly on time.

Libra: Fashionable teacher who has a different outfit every single day. Treats the students like friends, and very very approachable. Often discusses problems with students over a cup of coffee, their treat.

Scorpio: Their handwriting is absolute chicken scratch. Loves marking in green ink for no apparent reason. Very supportive and often comes up with weird-ass lesson plans.

Sagittarius: The teacher who doesn't bother with lesson plans. Spontaneously shows videos completely unrelated to the class at hand. Often dismisses the students early.

Capricorn: Marks every paper on time, and their handwriting varies everytime. Ships students and bases their seating plans off their ships.

Aquarius: The teacher who often forgets important stuff, but remembers random facts slightly related to the lesson. Doesn't bother to bring stationery at all, and their laptop is almost always at 10% battery.

Pisces: Shady teacher who students don't know a single thing about. Wears either an all-pastel outfit or a totally black outfit. Has cool stationery that they often lend to students.

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