Dear: Mr.Groff

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I nervously write in my ELA notebook hoping Mrs.Smith doesn't notice me or what I'm writing. (We are supposed to be reading not writing, so, yeah) I wrote as fast as I could but neat, too. She looks at me when I look up she directs her eyes on my book which by the way was over the notebook. I hesitate for a few seconds then notice. I slowly looked down again hiding my pencil. I see out of the corner of my eye Ellie looking at me and reading what I wrote I looked at her she mumbled the words "I won't tell." I mumbled back "thanks." What I wrote was pretty simple. I didn't really expect much, but:

Dear: Mr.Groff

Hello, my name is Zoe Hannay I'm in love with you! I hope you don't take that the wrong way. Anyway, I hope I get to meet you I really want to see Hamilton but unfortunately my orphanage won't let anyone leave the state! Unless the adopted family lives outside of state sooooooo. Yeah!

-Zoe Hannay

...So that's what I wrote. The bell rang everyone got up to pack up I met Jackie near the book bag racks. "So did you write the letter" she asked, too excited for my likings. "Yeah, here. Grade it." She took my notebook and read she made a couple of faces that kinda confused me, okay, really confused me. "I like it." she finally said "I don't care if you like it. I care if he likes it." I said. She rolled her eyes "He will." She put her hands on my shoulders and gave me a sensitive look (it hit  the feels) I smiled "If you do move I'll-" "Make you maaad!" I sang. She laughed "Yeah." then Lany came over with Joyner in a headlock "What are you doing to her!?" Jackie and I screamed "She says it's outta love." Joyner insisted Lany nodded with a fake, non-guilty face. "You know, if you ever murder someone that face will never help your case" I pointed out we all laughed and headed our separate ways. Well not Jackie and Lany they went to technology together.

(Editing note: Wow. My writing style has change dramatically.)

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