Chapter five: "Don't Fuck With Me!"

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Wendy's (POV)

I ran as fast as I could out of the dressing room, and out to the hangout part of the club. I decide that I had to change my outfit so the copper will have trouble finding me. Good thing before I left I grabbed some other clothes. I go to the bathroom, and tried my best to change. Once I was done, I looked around to see if the cop was around. With the cost clear, I make a get away from that cop. I ran out of the club and down the street until I couldn't see the club anymore. When I thought I was safe, I gave a sigh of relief, and just started to walk. I fiddled around with my hands cuffs, trying to get them off.

I then remembered that I had a key in my shirt pocket. What? You think I haven't been in this type of situation before? I smiled and did a back flip, causing the key to fall out of my pocket. I caught it with my teeth before landing on my feet. I sat down and rolled on my back on the ground, and managed to get my hands in front of me. I got up from the ground, and started to unlock my handcuff with the key in my mouth.


Off came the handcuffs. I smiled and put the key back into my shirt pocket.
I decided to keep the handcuffs in case I needed them. I started running again, in case the cop was close by. I stopped when I heard my name called.

"Hey Wendy, what's cooking good looking?" I turned to see my boyfriend, Robbie. I smiled at the sight of him and walked up to him. He was smoking a cigarette and leaning on the side of a building.

"Hey babe, mind giving me a cigarette?" He hands me one, and I light it.

"So what brings you here? I thought you would be at the club singing."

"I was, but then a cop showed up, and caught me red handed with some jewels we stole last week. Now he's on my trail." I explained puffing out smoke.

"Well, don't worry about him babe. Besides you've been able to ditch the police before. It's not like they'll catch you." He encourages.

"You don't understand, this cop isn't like the others."

"How so?"

"He's a kid, a thirteen year old boy! And yet he caught up with me. I'm worried that I might not be able to get away this time." I explained to him. He nodded and I had a thought.

"Which reminds me, you got the stuff yet?" I asked him.

"Pfft, of course I got the stuff." He then hands me a bag of goods.

"Is everything there, and a counted for?"

"Of course."

I look over the bag, and see some of the stuff is missing. Bastard!

"Oh baby, we seem to have a mini problem." I say gently to him.

"What is it?" I then pull out my gun, and push Robbie up to the wall. I put my gun near is head and cocked it. I then spoke up.

"Listen babe, just because you're my man doesn't mean I won't hesitate to blow your brains out. Either you get all the stuff or your blood will stain my gun. Let this be a lesson to you Robert Valentino! You don't want to fuck with me!" I let him up, and put my gun away.

He looks at me shocked before smiling.

"You know you look hot when you act that way." He winks at me.

"Oh honey please, I know I do." We laugh for a moment before he kisses me and leaves. I then put out my cigarette, and start down the street again.

Author's note:

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