Chapter 16

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Hey guys! Thought I'd give you an early upload since I'm going to be really busy for the next couple of weeks. Enjoy! xx Sandra


Chapter 16

“Who’s there?” I demanded, the hair upon my arms standing of fright. I narrowed my eyes towards the figure but in an instant he had vanished.  I searched my surroundings once more before running. I ran as fast as I had been capable, no longer caring how I appeared towards the people nearby. I hurried towards home, never daring to look back. I hoped dearly that adrenaline would suffice for me to head towards safety. 


“Alice,” Amy mumbled, as she wrapped her delicate arms around my legs. “I thought you were gone forever.”

My parents stood before me, anger etched upon their faces. My mother’s eyes had been swollen from shedding tears and my father’s fuming with rage. I was not capable of looking into their eyes, for guilt engulfed me; I could not even face Amy.  “Do you know what time it is?” My father demanded with voice low yet filled with fury. I turned towards the clock ---- four in the morning. Had I truly been gone that long? “How dare you worry us like this? Didn’t you ever consider how your actions would affect us---- your family? Or were you too inconsiderate to ever think that? Don’t you think we have enough to worry about, Alice?”

“I’m sorry,” was all I had been able to respond. I folded my arms across my chest, focusing my gaze upon the floor. There were several things I had wanted to apologize for ---- my existence included------ although I had not the courage to reveal them.  Truly I no longer valued time, for I no longer knew precisely how much had gone by for as long as I could remember.

“Sorry?” My mother exclaimed with apparent disbelief.  “That’s all you can manage to say? You don’t even bother telling us where you have been?” She released a sigh of disappointment, no longer able to speak.

However I was going to explain where I had went without sounding as though I was fanatical, I did not know.  I inhaled deeply, before uttering out a lie. “I was at a party with Bianca and I drank too much so I decided to sleep at her place.” I felt disgust as I had spoken for I myself felt stupidity towards the untruth I hoped my parents would believe.

“You were out drinking!” My father boomed, no longer able to conceal his growing anger. “In your condition, do you really think it is still wise to drink?”

“It’s my life, isn’t it?” I muttered, as my vision became distorted with unshed tears.  I clenched my jaw as tight as I had been capable, for I would not dare cry now and prove to my family how weak I had truly been. “I’m sorry,” I said once more, before storming off towards my room.

Once I had been locked inside my room, I rushed towards my bed. I no longer concealed my tears, and cried as though there was no longer a tomorrow. I crawled into a ball, encircling my arms around myself. I despised of my existence and I was certain that that had been the greatest depression that could ever befall a person. 


“Aliceeeee! Come onnnn. You have to try some of this,” Lauren had slurred, the music drowning the sound of her voice as though nothing had come out of her mouth. She swayed with a man I had not known, her drink held high upon her head.

The music that had filled the room was hardly music ---- it was noise. I no longer wished to stay but I had not a choice for Lauren was supposedly my ride home though now she was wasted. I regretted the decision to come although I was certain I had to for this was Sarah’s party, and I was her friend. I rubbed my forefinger against my throbbing temple, ignoring Lauren as well as the people who had surrounded me.

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