June 3, 2018

12 2 0

When I woke up from my surgery, I was so groggy. I found it really funny how out of it, I actually was. No one was there, and I knew that nobody would be here since both Robert and Tiffany had plans. That was also another reason that I planned it this day.

The nurse came in quickly after I woke up to check how I was doing, but truthfully I was fine. "Nurse, can you do me a favor?"

She smiled at me as she said, "What can I do?"

"Find the Cubs game. My boyfriend is playing. I actually don't even like the sport, but I love seeing him do the thing that he loves." I blabbed as she found the channel.

"So what do you do?" she said trying to make some small talk.

"I'm a math teacher, but I almost studied to become a nurse or a doctor. I almost signed up and everything before I knew in my heart that I shouldn't do that. That gut feeling worked out since I don't think that I would have met my love if I did go on that path. So, did you always want to be a nurse?"

She let out a sigh, "Yeah, my mom, grandma, great-grandma, and so one for many generations were nurses. I guess that I always had my career path paved when I was born, but I guess I shouldn't complain since it is a good like. Are you happy with your decision to be a teacher?'

I smiled at her, "The kids are so amazing and funny. Some of the kids there are huge baseball fans so they love when Jackson popped in. The principle doesn't really care since he doesn't take up any class time, well not that much, and she's a huge Cubs fan plus my boyfriend's fan."

"That sounds so amazing, so is he going to visit you at all while you are here for treatment?" That was a valid question, but I wish that she didn't go there.

"No, he is pretty busy, and I didn't tell him that this was going on. He has a job to do, and he doesn't need that distraction. It's pretty okay, actually. I told him that I going home for the month."

"Don't you think he would want to know what is going on with you?" She, at this moment, agreed with my conscious, telling me that Jackson should know what is going on with me, but I still know that this was the best way, no matter how bad it hurts.

After that, the conversation died as the game was coming to a close. Jackson and the Cubs won 1-0. The nurse left having to do other things soon after so I got to enjoy being totally alone.

About an hour after the game, Jackson called me. "Hey babe," he said sounding so happy.

"Hey, why are you so chipper?" I asked.

"I am talking to the love of my life. I just wish that you were here with me."

I let out a light laugh, "You know Jackson, we don't get what we all want in life."

"Well, I got what I want in life. Now, I just have to find a way to keep you forever, to myself."

"Just knock me up then you would, but I'd probably dump your sorry ass if you do that."

I heard Jackson laugh, "So what are you up too?"

"Chilling, I'm enjoying some alone time at the moment. What about yourself?"

"I'm just leaving the ballpark, so I thought that I would call you to see how you were doing. Are you enjoying your time at home?"

"Yeah, no one here cares that I'm dating a Chicago Cubs player, though. All my baseball fans, friends, are Brewers fans. But at least they aren't making fun of me because of that." Jackson laughed at that. I loved the sound of his laugh when I say something that isn't technically funny, or in this case true.

There was a little break between that because I heard Jackson talking to who I believe was Chase. I couldn't hear the conversation, but before I knew it, a voice came over the speaker, "Hey Stephane," but this voice wasn't my Jackson's but instead Chase's.

"Hey Chase, is Jackson being a bad boy?"

"Yup, he pushed me off the curb on our walk back to our hotel, so I took his phone."

I took a deep breath, trying not to laugh so much. At that moment, the doctor walked in. "Hey Chase, tell Jackson that I love him and that I had to go." I hung the phone up quickly not wanting anything to get leaked to Jackson.

"How are you feeling, Stephane?" the geeky doctor asked checking my chart.

"I feel amazing. So, when is this all going to be over?" I asked hopefully.

"Maybe, I would like you here for couple of days to monitor if we got all the cancer." He flashed me a smile after that.

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