Chapter 3

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Next day all four kidnapped the girl. This girl is non other than nandini. And brought her to the mansion. She was shouting loudly.

Nandini- What the hell!!!! Why am I here again? You kidnappers!!!

Cabir- Don't shout.

Nandini- I am kidnapped again and you are telling me not to shout.

By hearing someone's shouting manik came out from his room. And what he saw shocked him like anything. He was just looking at nandini.

Nandini's outfit:-

Nandini's outfit:-

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Manik's POV

What the hell is she doing here? But she is looking so hot yet so cute. How can a girl be cute & hot both? Oh god manik what are you thinking. Manik you have gone totally mad. So now just find out what is she doing here?

POV ends.

Manik- What the hell is going on here? And why is this girl here? Answer me.

Dhruv- Woh manik she has seen our faces & this mansion also. How can we leave her? If she inform our rivals or the police?

Mukti- If she tried to do something against us then.

Alia- Ya mukti is right. Think about it.

Manik thinks that what they are saying is right.

Manik- She will stay here from today. Keep an eye on her.

Cabir- Sure boss.

Nandini- You are talking about me like I am not here. Excuse me. I want to go home. You can't kidnap me. Who the hell are you guys?

Manik- You know who I am?

Nandini- I know you are hot but this is illegal. I don't care who you are.

Manik was shocked to hear "hot" from her mouth for him. He smirks & says

Manik- So you think I am hot?

Nandini- Hey don't change the topic. You.. you bloody kidnapper.

This was it for manik. How can she insult him. This shook his ego & he shouted on top of his voice.

Manik- I am the mafia boss of New York.

Everyone was scared to see their boss angry. Nandini was shocked & scared after knowing who he was. She doesn't know what to say now.
Manik saying this left from there.

Cabir- Take her.

And the guards take nandini from there. Only the four of them were present there then suddenly alia said

Alia- Guys have you seen how manik was joking with that girl.

Cabir- I know.

Mukti- This girl is something.

Dhruv- I think this girl can change our cold-hearted boss.

All four prayed to god for this. And left from there.

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