Chapter 6

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"... and the police called this afternoon. There's been no word of your car yet but they were able to catch the man. He's wanted for several other crimes so you won't need to testify. They have your wallet but apparently the car is long gone."

George sighed. "I really liked that car," he moaned. "All right, send a thank you letter to the police and a free subscription for all their help."

Nodding, Paulette made a note on her note pad. "John in accounting asked for another temp. He says the workload is getting worse and the ones he has can't keep up."

"How many has he got?"


"All right give him one more but make sure he knows that's it. No more than four."

Nodding she pushed a letter across the desk. "You need to sign this, it's the authorization for the temp." George put his pen to the paper and signed. "And this, it's your letter to the bank authorizing the direct deposit changes."

Again he signed. "All right that takes care of that. Was there anything else I needed to do today, Paulette?"

"Just the one thing you keep putting off Mr. Taylor."

"Isn't there anything I can do to convince you to stay?"

Paulette shook her head with slow purposeful movements. She was not letting him get away with it this time. At sixty-three years old the widow wanted to enjoy what was left of her life.

"I'll triple your salary!"

"You already did that," she reminded him with a soft smile. "No, Mr. Taylor, it's time for me to retire. You need to choose a new secretary."

Heaving a heavy sigh, George faced the old woman with his best pout. Smiling at him she handed him a list of the secretaries that were eligible for the position. Barely scanning it he tossed it down.

"You pick, I can't bear the chore of it."

Paulette laughed at his childish antics. "Well there is one woman who deserves it more than anyone else on the list."

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"Christine Yarra."

George laughed. "And why her of all people?" Teasing his old friend he was unprepared for the seriousness of her words.

"It's high time someone told you and since I won't have to work here after Friday I get to be the one to do it." She had his full attention. "Christine does all of the work for Margaret. Every plaque or award or bit of recognition that Margaret has been given during the last three years is because of Christine's work. That benefit, the one for the Children's Foundation for Better Days? It was Christine's doing. All of it. You made a remark once that Margaret's work had improved phenomenally in the last few years and I wanted to tell you then but it wasn't my place."

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