Chapter 12

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Entering the main lobby, suitcase in hand, George was shocked to see Christine standing at the reception desk, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, her eyes glittering with anger. It took a lot to get Christine angry and George couldn't help but wonder what the poor man behind the desk had done to get on her bad side. Setting down his suitcase he approached the counter, listening to the conversation as he drew closer.

"No, that is not good enough!" she told the young man. "I reserved ten room plus another two for the aides. You are not going to get away with dumping all of them into three rooms, I won't let you."

"Ma'am, we're not trying to get away with anything, the hotel simply doesn't have the room. Now we have plenty of cots for them to use and I'm sure that they'll be all right."

"No, they won't. Get me your manager."

"Excuse me?"

"You obviously are not listening to what I am saying so let me make it perfectly clear for you. I am no longer going to discuss this with you so I suggest you go find your manager and get him or her out here so I can talk to them. Now go."

Smothering his laugh George waited until the young desk clerk had walked away to let Christine know he was there. "Be nice to the poor guy. The Yarra temper is a fearsome foe."

Turning to look at George Christine didn't smile. "It's not funny George. I am trying to make this as nice a time as I can for these kids and I am not going to let some clerk ruin it for them."

Putting an arm around her shoulders George squeezed. "I know, you'll have to forgive my humor, I'm still in shock. It's a rare thing to see you get mad, I'm not sure what to do with myself."

Against her will a small smile peaked out from her frown and she looked away to see an older man approaching the desk. "Miss Yarra I'm sorry for this problem. It seems that Anthony was unaware of our arrangements. I'll see to it that everything goes as you had planned."

"Please do, Mark. I don't want anything to mess this up."

Promising that it would be fine Mark bid her a good night and moved off to see to the arrangements. Getting the clerks attention George checked in and, grabbing his suitcase again, slung his arm around Christine. "So, where's this room of mine, m'lady?"

Pulling the key from his hands she looked at the number. "Three Ten. You're two doors down from me and Kat. Come on, I'll show you the way." Leading him through the hallways they stopped at a door that matched the number on his key. Opening the door he tossed his suitcase onto the bed while Christine moved to the windows, opening the drapes and looking down towards the playground below. "Come look," she said.

Crossing the room to her side George looked down to see a playground bustling with children, the aides sitting on benches a few feet away. Raising his eyes from the playground to the woman standing next to him

George wasn't surprised that she had gotten angry earlier. Children in general were everything to her, orphans especially. Their sad little stories hit too close to home for her liking and George knew Christine had sworn she would do everything she could to help them.

"Come on," he grinned suddenly. "Let's go join them."

"But we have the dinner in an hour."

"Oh come on, it'll only be for a few minutes, we'll still have plenty of time to get back and get ready."

Grabbing her hand he pulled her away from the window and down the hallway to the stairs that led directly outside. Bursting forth through the door he half pushed and half pulled her out to the playground, jumping the fence and then lifting her over instead of walking around to the gate on the other side. Joining the children on the playground they lost all track of time until George looked up to see Kat waving at them from the bar window. Pointing to her wrist she reminded him to check his watch and George saw that they had lost track of time. Waving back at Kat he approached the small group of kids that were playing 'Telephone' with Christine.

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