Something Sturring In The Air

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For a better understanding of why ANY characters don't curse go read part 1. Also I hope you enjoy. That's all!!!
~Sir Jeffers

    Bobby placed his bicycle in his garage as Billy stomped up the stairs and slammed the door behind him. Billy then carelessly collapsed onto his bed with the feeling of anger building up inside him. He wanted to let it out, but he couldn' least not with his father down stairs.
     Years ago when the evil Sam clone army came to Bossitronia Billy quickly found interest in them, wanting to find out more about them he snuck out late at night and observed them. One of the clones blasted Billy with his septic power. Causing Billy's left eye to blaze a fiery red when ever he is angered. The flames don't burn him unless he refuse to let them be free, then the inside of Billy starts to feel as though it's being burned from the inside out. Billy shakily walked to the mirror in his room. He took notice to his red, pulsing eye. "Why did this have to happen to me?" Billy asked his reflection. "I can't even think of what will happen when Dad finds out. Is he safe? Am j even safe from... Myself?"
"Looks like someone's afraid of his own power. How pathetic." A voice from the shadows of Billy's room mocked. Billy thought it sounded like Jack though he knew it couldn't be. The voice was too sinister to be the fun, heartwarming Jack he knew.
"Wha-where are you? S-show yourself coward!" Billy demanded.
"C-coward? Did you hear that Sam, he called US cowards?" The Irish accented voice began to laugh hysterically.
"Yeah th-that's right! I-I called you a coward now sh-show yourself!" Billy tried desperately to end his stuttering, but to no avail he stuttered and quieted in fear. Despite the mysterious stranger choosing not to reveal himself Billy all ready knew who he was, a dark memory of the war began to conquer his mind. "Anti was killed! He couldn't be back...right?" Billy thought to himself.
"Well well Billy...quite the brave little soul you have child. What is it you would do if we don't reveal ourselves, hmmm?"
"I'll-I'll..." Billy couldn't think of a comeback no matter how hard he strained his brain to think, he found himself unable to. The flashback of the war must have become an impediment to the young boys mind process.
"Aww what a shame. I really thought he would come up with something Sam. Oh well... It's not important anyway. We came here to talk not roast one another. We shall reveal ourselves IF... If you promise not to scream, not to call for help, not to tell anyone of what we say. Understand?" The voice said menacingly.
"Pfft, me, scream, please." Billy said bravely.
"Ugh, if you don't want to know how to control that power that's fine with me... I just thought you didn't want to have to explain why your eye is glowing to daddy dearest down stairs."
"I-I..." Billy thought of what his father would think. Knowing he had an interest in the same army that tried to kill them, the same that to this day give them nightmares! "I promise. I swear, I vow, I you get the idea!" Billy rambled.
"Good now we can begin business."
"What?!? Business sorry not the patience type... Sort of HOT headed. Hehe get it?" Billy's pun made the two burst out in laughter.
"Oh boy ,Sam...I really think we got the JACKpot on this kid!" His laughter echoed against the walls of the room as Billy stood there confused. "What's wrong kid? Why aren't you laughing that was PUNny!" He continued to joke.
"I don't get what Jack has to do wig any of this."
"Oh right, how silly of could we forget! Sam we never introduced ourselves! After all he has been DYING to meet us." Billy was unsure weather that was a pun, or a threat. Then a figure emerged from the shadows of Billy's room a tall, thin man came into view. His hair a dark green, his completion pale as if he wasn't alive. Around his eyes was a blackness and his eyes themselves were the most peculiar, one was green where it is normally white and his eye color was blue, while as his other eye was reversed, blue with green colored eyes. He wore a grey hoodie along with black jeans accompanied by neon green combat boots. A huge grin plastered on his face with blinding white teeth. Next to him was a red septic eye, like Sam only red and no tail. It was one of the cloned Sams, from the war. Billy had expected this but he still was shocked and gasping for breath when both figures came into view.
"Y-y-y-you..." Billy stuttered his eyes wide with fear.
"Aww poor thing, he's speechless." Anti laughed as he tilted his head towards Sam.
"Bingo! We have a winner!" Anti cheered pulling out two chairs for the both of them to sit. "Now down to business, ahem. You hate Jack" Anti pointed towards Billy." And I also hate Jack... So you,me team up and kill him!"
"What?!?" Billy screeched in the top of his lungs! Before he felt Anti's hands clasped over his mouth knocking over the chair he once sat on.
"What did I say about screaming?" Anti said in a terrifying voice, not as friendly as the joking around kind of person Billy met at first.
"Billy! Son are you alright?" Bobby called from down stairs.
"Don't forget your promise." Anti threatened as he made his way towards the shadows of Billy's room once again. Bobby entered abruptly into Billy's room with a face full of concern.
"I'm okay dad I just fell." Billy lied as he glanced at cone Sam aiming at his father. He saw Anti Biden in he shadows saying tick-tock repeatedly.
"Oh well be careful." Bobby forced a laugh. Then backed out of the room. Once the coast was clear Anti emerged from the darkness yet again.
"Wow! You could be an actor kid."
"Enough! I don't enjoy lying to my father!" Billy argued.
"Yes well, I think you understand what is to happen to your dear father if you choose to so happen stop lying to him." Anti shrugged as he pointed to his evil Sam.
"I do understand." Billy obliged.
"Good! So Billy do we have a deal?" Anti asked as he held out his hand for Billy to shake in agreement. Billy took no time at all to reconsider, he knew what his answer was.
"Yes, we do have a deal." With that Billy quickly shook his hand sealing the deal.
"Good then let's go we've got places to go to." Anti said rushing Billy out of the window.

        1163!!! WOW that's the largest cheaper I've ever done! I am so happy for this, I am so excited for it as well! Ok then until the next part BYE!!!And in over all it's 1204 words including this!
~Sir Jeffers

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