Speed Is Key

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Ok... SO SORRY!!! I haven't updated. It's a long story that would be longer than his part so...yeah. Anyway I'll stop chattering and just continue on with the story. Thank you again for reading and sorry for the long break.

        Jack ran with Sam under his hat to keep him safe. For what, Jack didn't know. All he knew was something bad was about to happen. He thought about it as he sprinted to Steve's house.
"Steve! My man, buddy please open up!" Jack yelled as he knocked on the door.
"Jack what's wrong?" Steve asked as he opened his green front door.
"Billy! H-H-he-he he is gone." Jack stuttered between breathes.
"Bobby's son... Billy. He...is...gone!"
"Jack! Just calm your breathing alright. I'll get my segway and we'll search for him. Hey, uh... Jack is anything else wrong? You seem pretty upset about Billy going missing."
"Oh n-no just Billy. That's all!"
"I mean really it's Billy...the Billy."
"Yes Steve I know who Billy is alright! What we don't know is where he is! Now can we go find him?"
"Alright just..." Steve sighed."promise me if anything else bad happens you'll tell me."
"Steve, I can't promise that. You know that if it saves you by not telling you, I won't tell you."
"Alright I guess that's the best I'm gonna get out of you. Let's go!" Steve ran inside and returned threw his garage riding his segway.
"Hop on Jack!" Jacks smile became a huge grin of happiness as he chuckled.
"Onward Segway Steve speed is important!"
"That doesn't have a nice ring to it."
"Ok um... Speed is my friend!"
"Not quite, try again."
"Speed is key!"
"Yeah! Yeah, there you go!"
"Onward Segway Steve SPEED IS KEY!" With that the three rode off unaware of what struggles awaits them.

Annnnnnnd done! That's all I know it's short, but it's all I can do right now. I might put up another part I haven't decided yet. Also have a nice, amazing, wonderful day or afternoon or night or evening or what ever time it is where you live or...whatever alright you get the idea! Bye and thanks again for reading I'll be quiet now BYE!!!!
~Sir Jeffers

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