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Okay so first off I am SOOO happy right now!!! I got 8 view on the first part! That's 8 people in the world!! Just OMG thank you so much! Okay so today isn't going to be a long chapter sorry. However look at the photo alright I feel like it's awesome! So I'll stop talking now thanks for reading and enjoy
~Sir Jeffers

      Beep-beep-beep! Jacks alarm repeated over and over again. He never understood why he set it in the first place he doesn't go to sleep. He can but only when he wants to one of the perks about being a Bossitronion is that you have an endless supply of energy. Despite that he still set it to ring at 7:00am every morning, Jack went to shut it off as he woke Sam up. Sam slept in Jacks hat which sat on Jacks pillow. Sam often had nightmares about the war so he sleeps in Jacks bed.
"Sam! Wake up buddy!" Sam slowly began to rise at the sound of his best friends voice. Jack got breakfast which consist of cookies and chocolate milk. After that he went to his recording room the make videos for YouTube. When a someone knocked on the door.
"Visitors!" Jack sang cheerily as he ran towards the door. To his surprise it was Bobby. Though he wasn't his usual happy, energetic self he was freaking out. Pacing back and forth, blinking rapidly, and sweating so much that his once blueish-green shirt was now damped in sweat in sweat. It looked as though he had jumped into a body of water!
"Whoa buddy! What happened to you?" Jack asked his friend, his voice full of concern.
"It's Billy!" Bobby blurted out." He, he's gone missing and I-I can't find him!" Bobby was speaking I between shaky breaths, it pained Jack to see Bobby this way. So Jack thought if a way to cheer him up.
"Hey come on its Billy...on a planet...that we all know like there back of our hands! He is going to be fine! Relax alright." Jack said wth a reassuring smile on his face. Some how Jacks idea worked and Bobby's breathing returned to normal.
"You're right Jack! Hehe what am I thinking its Billy...he'll be fine."
"There you go! Positive thinking...now let's see the best place to hide would be the...forest! So let's go check there." Jack offered and Bobby's face lit up with hope.
"Yeah ok, um...lets go search there!" Bobby then mounted on top of his bike pedaling away. On the back an empty child seat sat lonely on the back of the bike. Jack had never seen it empty before. Then again Billy had never gone missing before this. Jack knew this was something bigger than Billy going missing, he just couldn't put the prices together.
"Stick close Sam. I don't wanna lose you." Jack said as Sam snuggled inside Jacks hoodie. Jack looked up at the sky, grey storm clouds covered tiny he once happy looking sky. A storm was approaching.

Sorry this is uploaded late I had a TON of school work to catch up on...but, now you have a special morning surprise! Or late at night surprise what ever time suites you best at the moment you read this. What am I saying? Ok then bye y'all!
~Sir Jeffers

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