The Deal

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So everyone I just want to say thank you sooooo much for 8 little eye icon thing can someone tell me what that is? And that's just on the first part. On the second I have 2! And the third 1! I am so happy I know that's sounds like a little bit but I am soooo thankful for every single number! I don't expect it to rise at all but knowing that I at least have 8 is all I need because I LOVE writing! Ok I'll be quite now sorry!!! Ok Bye-Bye!
~Sir Jeffers
   Billy looked up at sky. The grey Storm clouds covered every inch of the once bright blue sky as I began to thunder. Billy then brought his attention to Anti.
"What are we doing out in the forest anyway?" Billy questioned.
"We are heading to my secret hide out." Anti replied.
"Won't they find us here? I mean it's the only place to hide in all of Bossitronia."
"Nah! They won't find us...until it's too late." Anti smiled at Billy."I have been living here for three years."
"After the war." Billy stated. Anti growled at the remark.
"Don't mention that war to me boy! That war was a waste of time...I-I just didn't know what I was doing that all."
"Alright I understand. What ever you say." Billy said sarcastically.
"You don't trust me?"
"You heard me right YOU don't trust me! You think I actually lost the war... Hehe no,no my friend I gathered information."
"What could you have possibly learned from the war?"
"That Jack is weak. He needed all of you to stop me when I wasn't even trying! It's hilarious if you think about it, even after that I still managed to destroy HALF of your world."
"But what good is that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well if you want to conquer Bossitronia, than shouldn't you I don't know maybe NOT destroy it."
"See Billy that would make sense, yes indeed however, I don't want to rule over Bossitronia I destroy it!" Anti said as his miss matched eyes focused on something in the distance." Hey! I see it come on!" Anti ran toward a big wooden building. "Help me destroy this."
"Excuse me?"
"Did I speak in a different language? destroy the building."Anti ordered.
"How do you expect me to do that?" Anti came close to Billy and then tapped Billy's forehead." Use your brain! How do you think?" He then threw his arms around in frustration."Use your power! There is no out here to stop you, no one to yell at you, tell you no or stop or quite. Just you and me...I sure as heck won't tell you not to destroy that building. So,what's holding you back?"
"I..."Billy faced Anti."I can't control my power." He confessed.
"Hmm...well that is a problem know isn't it. How does it work?"
"What do you mean?"
"Your power wha activates it?"
"Uh...when I'm angry."
"When your mad got it..."Anti gasped."Got it! Give me your phone!"
"What?Why?" But before Billy could get an answer Anti had taken it out of Billy's pant pocket.
"Give me second...and—done!" Anti handed over Billy's phone which had a game titled flappy rage. It showed a frog flying between two clouds.
"Really a rage game?" Billy questioned.
"What? It'll do the trick!" Billy then took the phone and began to play while Anti annoyed him beyond annoying levels.
(Time skip because I'm tired and lazy. Also insert SpongeBob 2 hours later meme)
In 2hours Billy's left eye was blazing with anger and then threw the phone at Anti then proceeded in turning the wooden building before him to smithereens. Anti cheered for Billy very crazily and then the two danced around the fire, as it turned to nothing but a giant pile of ash and smoke. preparing for the death of JackSepticEye!

 preparing for the death of JackSepticEye!

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Ok that wraps up this chapter. And also the buildings smoke wasn't green I was searching for smoke on watt pad covers and a green one popped up and it looked cool so now you have a picture of green smoke. Sorry most of it was dialog. I hope you enjoyed and liked it! With that I say Bye-Bye!!!
~Sir Jeffers

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