The Sacrifice

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I'm backkkkk!!!! Did you miss Well alright, I'm sorry. I found the story and I'm now trying to get a schedule for this and yep sound good? Ok then. Wellllllll here's the story!
(P.S- spoiler alert- get your tissues ready.)
~Sir Jeffers

"As fun as that was," Billy began." why though?" The two sat in a pile of ashes that was once the stricter of where Anti hid for several years. They ate cookies from Betty's grocery store.(Everything is free on Bossitronia, because there is no money.)
"Why what kiddo?" Anti asked with his face full of cookie.
"Why did you need me to harness my... Is it a power or...?"
"First off...yeah I guess it is a power, only for bad guys not good ones. Secondly, so you can kill Jack. You remember the deal...right?" Anti said in a sinister voice.
"Y-yes I r-remember." Billy fought out the words. His mind screamed NO!!! However, they did make a deal...what could he do?
"So get ready, and don't hesitate they'll be here soon." Billy nodded in agreement. He couldn't get any words out. "Oh and before I forget, I don't want anyone left "accidentally" on this planet. So after I win the war grab your father and go So you—" Anti was cut off by the sound of Jacks voice.
"Billy! Kid your dads worried sick about you! Billy!" Billy looked around but couldn't find Anti. There was nothing but a forest covered in a white sheet of snow, and shadows lurking everywhere. Billy thought of an idea.
"Jack! Jack I'm over here!" With hat in a matter of seconds Jack came rushing to Billy.
"Hey kiddo, where have you been? Come on let's go." Jack said as he noticed the blazing fire gushing from his eye. Jack stood speechless.
"I-I'm so sorry Jack but...your time of being so great and awesome is over." Then Billy blasted his raw towards Jack. A blow so powerful, powerful enough to kill Jack. Jack body slid across the snow colliding against a tree. Anti cheered as he emerged from the shadows.
"Great shot kid! Let's check the damage on his guy." Anti strutted to Jack as he kneeled next to him, placing a fort on his chest. Anti wore a evil smirk that spread across his face. That was until he realized, Jack was breathing. Anti's eyes grew wide in horror. The one person who could destroy him had somehow survived death.
"H-H-H-how?" Anti would have gone on but he heard Bobby shouting in the distance and took off into the shadows once again with a clone Sam following. Bobby and Steve both showed up just a few seconds later.
"Son!" Bobby cried. "Your okay!"
"Yeah I'm... I'm fine dad."
"What happened?"
"I-I... I can't tell you."
"Why not? Billy I'm y—" Bobby was cut off by Steve.
"Hey not to break up the reunion, but we have a problem."
"What do you mean? Is Jack alright?"
"Oh yes Jack is fine...for the time being."
"Why won't he be?"
"Look I don't like keeping secrets but...maybe we should keep this between ourselves. Until Jack knows."
"What is it?"
"Sam." Steve turned around to reveal a small, lifeless septic eye. Septic eye Sam. He protected Jack from Billy. He sacrificed himself for Jack.

And that it for this part! Please don't hate me it's the lie of a author wanna be. Sooooo I'm sorry about that but it's done and it's done. Let's move on from the past and forwards to the future! Onward my fellow JackSepticEye fans ONWARD!!!
~Sir Jeffers

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