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Naruto waited silently for gaara to finish his show tameri and Sakura were out to go to the sound village to help a fugitive to their right place.

"Gaara!"naruto yelled gaaras name "gaara,what's taking so long I gotta pee!","just use the bathroom!"gaara yelled back naruto schemed up going to the door watching gaara step out the shower drying himself off.

"What,are you shy"gaara teased "don't be stupid I used the bathroom with people watching"naruto lied he was shy alright.

"Just use it I'm not gonna do anything sexual,not while your doing the business"naruto shrugged it off they were together for a long time so he might as well do it.

As naruto went to the bathroom gaara slapped his ass.
"Hey!"naruto yelped gaara smiled as he got dressed "I just had to"gaara said naruto bit his lip as he began to piss.

"Jesus I was waiting for an hour gaara,what were you doing in here"naruto complained his face cringing up as he felt more come out.

"I had a lot to do,clean my body wash my hair brush my teeth"naruto Mewed out as he finish he zipped his pants up a d washed his hands.

Gaara warped his arms around narutos waist swaying him around.
"That was sexy"gaara whispered kissing his ear.

"Hmm,gaara"naruto turned around from the sink his hands was dry he wrapped his arms around gaaras waist gaara laid his head on narutos shoulder.
"I need a day of naruto,just to relax"gaara sighed feeling those manly arms around him "I know,why don't we lay down and relax ok"gaara nodded not letting naruto go.
Naruto smiled as he bent over alittle picking gaara up gaara chuckled as he wrapped around naruto tightly.

"Don't let me fall"gaara said "I won't"naruto said back "ngh,c'mon lay down"gaara let naruto go falling on the bed he sat up only to be met by naruto crotch.
Gaara bit his lip but naruto jumped on the bed smiling gaara scooted to naruto laying his head down on his chest "you so warm,I missed the warmth of you naruto,I'm so glad your back"naturo only hummed.


Gaara woke up at 3 naruto and him went to sleep pretty early,now he was wide awake.
Naruto groaned in boredom tightening his grip on narutos waist soon having a wonderful idea.

Gaara undid Arturo's pants rubbing the bulge gaara brought his hands under narutos shirt twirling narutos nipple with his two fingers hearing a mew from naruto.
"Uh gaara,3 years and your...still sexy my little red head"naruto moaned out gaara smirked as he listened to narutos wet dream.
"Yeah touch there,I'll give you a present later" gaara bit his lip as he went back under narutos pants feeling Precum.

"You dirty animal,ngh yes your so good"gaara moved his legs wider giving gaara more a better privilege under his pants gaara slid under the muscular body bringing the hardened cock out narutos pants.

"Ngh,ah gaara"gaara brought narutos cock in his mouth "oh god"naruto bucked his hips thrusting into gaaras mouth "ngh g-gaara"naruto seemed to be waking up naruto swirled his tongue devishly around narutos tip.
"Gaara is that you"naruto held the sheets "who else would it be"gaara said "ngh don't stop,it feels so good"gaara hid a smile not having naruto for 3 years he had so many plans for them so many punishments.

"I think you can wait till morning"narutos eyes shot open "w-what but"gaara chuckled "no buts naruto"gaara got up from bed "I have work,you can wait il be back in a few hours"naruto groaned displeased "b-but kazekage,you don't wAnt your guest sad do you"naruto bit his lip his head hanging of the bed as one rubbed his body and the other pleasantly rubbed his cock.

Gaara was tempted to ravish naruto there and then but he forced himself to hold back "I don't want you sad naruto,but as my duty as kazekage I must work I'll come back later","but gaara!what am I suppose to do alone"naruto whined grabbing gaara by his rob pouting "tell you what if you manage to wait for me for 2 hours,I'll get my work done as fast as possible,we can take a sweet bath together and then I'm all your for today does that sound good"naruto smiled "sounds wonderful don't take to long"gaara nodded.

"I won't naruto"as gaara aid that he exited his room.

2 hours later-

Naruto layed in bed he couldn't stop thinking about gaara which have him a boner for the whole 2 hours he came to much the sheets were soaked in cum and sweat naruto groaned as he got up.

He felt his cum leak out the crack of his ass cock stomach and back naruto turned the shower on making it hot he got the sheets and blankets off of the bed setting them aside.

"Sheesh,I need to control myself"naruto said to himself as he entered the shower washing our all the cum from his body and hair.
"Naruto I'm back! Are you still here"naruto sighed he felt embarrassed knowing gaara would not want to come to his own room know he couldn't control himself.

"Naruto why are my covers in the bathroom what did you do"naruto turned the shower off grabbing his towel and getting out the shower he then met eyes with gaara leaning on the door.

"Naruto,are you okay,what ever happened there is no need to be embarrassed"naruto didn't answer he looked away from gaara "naruto,it's okay,I don't need to know okay I'll ge-"gaara didn't answer naruto interrupted him.

"no gaara we need to truthfull to each other"naruto still liked away as he told the story.
"N-naruto,I hmg it's okay we have our days"naruto brought himself to look at gaara "when you were gone for 3 years I soaked it many times"naruto chuckled.

"You did?"gaara nodded a blush coming Across his face,"yeah almost everyday,before you even got here I soaked it"naruto smiled "that's wonderful,now I can think about that once I go back to konaha","what when you can't leave now!"gaara held naruto.

"It's okay gaara,I'll stay another week"naruto could already sense gaara smiling.
"Now about these sheets"gaara said before pulling away,"ngh my bad,I'll clean them"gaara chuckled "it's okay naruto il put them in a laundry"naruto nodded as he looked in the mirror seeing gaara putting the sheets in the laundry.

Naruto noticed gaara laughing as he leaned on the door.
"What's so funny"naruto asked as he turned to see gaara.
"It's just I was thinking about you alone 2 hours thinking of me getting horny,and coming non stop"naruto blushed "not my fault if you weren't so sexy I wouldn't of soaked the sheets hmm"gaara laughed as he walked to naruto wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I love you naruto,I don't know what I do with out you","probably kill me"gaara laughed as he held naruto tighter "I love you gaara"naruto whispered laying his head on gaaras.

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