2 times the Gaaras

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Gaara and naruto stayed there for a while in each other's arms.
"Mmm"a groan came from gaara naruto looked at him noticing him falling asleep,with no good sheets on the bed he decided to just lay down on the couch with him.

Naruto held gaara close to him breathing heavily since gaara was on top of him naruto closed his legs alittle just incase if someone walked in the wouldn't need to worry about seeing his private parts.

"N-naruto,mmm"naruto looked at gaara smiling at the thought of gaara thinking of him in his sleep.

"Naruto"gaara tightened his grip around naruto naruto moaned lightly feeling gaaras leg move inbetween his legs almost unwrapping his towel.
"Fuck,g-gaara don't do this now" naruto murmured out trying to shift up from the couch.

"Gaara wake your lazy ass up your gonna pull my towel off"
Naruto saw gaara smile as he looked up "you were awake!"naruto shouted "not till now,your loud why did you let me sleep,I was having fun"gaara pouted as he rubbing narutos clothed crotch with his leg.

"Ngh,gaara","I never got to finish my job"as gaara said that he unzipped narutos pants.

"The way you looked so,horny and wanting me to fuck you,it was so tempting. To the limit watching you rub your body and your cock" naruto moaned in his mouth gaara smiled as he summoned a clone of himself.

"What you doing gaaah!"as naruto said that he felt two hot mouth on his cock "oh my god gaara!" Naruto clenched their hair having two gaaras was existing for naruto since he never had two people suck him off.

"Ngh g-gaara oh this feels so good!"

____sasukes p.o.v__

Sasuke and choji were sent to retrieve naruto from his 3 years of training sasuke was in a hurry to get naruto since the guards told them he's been in gaaras room.

"What's the big rush sasuke?"choji asked as he munched on his chips "it's something you rather not know"sasuke replied as he ignored the sound of choji eating.
"Really must be big if I can't know"choji said as he looked at Sasuke Sasuke looked back at choji he sighed heavily knowing he wanted to know now.

"It's Naruto and gaara" choji set his chips aside in his bag showing sasuke that he had his full attention.

___narutos & gaaras pov__

Gaara was now fucking naruto like crazy naruto was riding him his other clone dissapered when they accomplished narutos first release.

"Ahh gaara!"naruto didn't let gaara prep him or put any lub on To let their sex go smooth naruto wanted gaara to just fully fuck him.
Naruto was going crazy 3 years with no sex just training really changes you "ngh ahh! G-gaara faster"gaara moaned as he felt naruto go faster on his cock.

"N-naruto"gaara mumbled out naruto griped gaaras thigh and couch pillow moaning loudly.

_______________sasuke pov_

"Wow for 3 years those two been hiding that"choji said "yeah that's w-"sasuke stoped as he heard the sounds.


Sasuke didn't bother to knock he opened the door enough for choji and him to see what was causing the moan.

"Ahh gaara!"naruto yelled "naruto!"both gaara and naruto clenched on each other naruto still holding the couch pillow and gaaras thigh as gaara held onto narutos waist both releasing.

Both gaara and naruto were panting heavily naruto soon caught his breath and leaned down giving gaara a long sweet kiss.

"Ngh naruto"naruto bit gaaras lip gently.

"Naruto gaara"naruto was to pleasured to notice sasuke and choji talking but gaara noticed his sand grabbed them and threw them out of his room slamming the door and locking it.

"What was that for,are tameri and Sakura spying on us again!"gaara chuckled "no,just incase someone comes in"naruto nodded as he lifted himself up from gaara he Mewed quietly as he felt the cum drip out if his ass.

______sasuke and chojis pov___

"Wow that was a sight to see"choji said as he dust himself of from falling on the floor "yes we must alert the guards,tell them that naruto has attacked gaara and we are bringing him home","isn't that lying naruto would get killed"sasuke sighed "then we wil have to kidnap him during night,as long as they don't stay anything"choji nodded as they walked off.

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