Happy Days

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Sherlocks POV

I glanced around the coffeeshop, my fingers drumming against the plastic table. Alice had gone to pick up her coffee from the counter, leaving me at the table with my own drink.

Ever since my attempt, Alice and I had been beginning to reconnect. We went and got coffee together weekly now, a good system for us both. She was busy with school, with final exams coming up, so meeting here after school once a week was good for her to dispel some of that stress.

John was off running some errand, whatever it was. He seemed to be going on a lot of 'errands' as of recently, to my growing concern. He never said what they were, he always just said he had something he had to take care of, or he needed to run a quick errand. He was seeming to be a tad distant lately, but never said or acted off when I was around.

"I don't know how you can stand that," Alice frowned at my coffee, black with two sugars. "It's so bitter," she commented as she took a sip of her own sugary blended coffee.

"That's basically a milkshake." She shrugged, acknowledging it. "Anyways, we only have two more weeks of school, and yet my stupid French teacher has decided to give us an extra project. I'm already studying for exams for that class, why add another pointless project?"

We chatted about the various exams and projects she had to do, sipping away at our coffee. "And Olivia's parents won't let her do anything but study, so we haven't gone on an actual, non studying date in over a month," Alice complained, her head propped up by her hands.

"How are you two anyways, you've been together for two years now?" They'd started dating young, but seemed happy together.

"Alright, she's upset about the fact that we won't get to see each other as much this summer, but we'll still be able to hang out a few times a week. I feel like that's a good amount though. I mean, she's getting the chance to go sing at Carnegie Hall, how could I not be supportive?" Olivia, her girlfriend was a talented singer, and had won a contest to sing at Carnegie Hall earlier this year. I'd heard her a few times, mostly videos Alice had shown me, and she really was spectacular.

Time passed until our drinks were gone, and Alice had to leave. "It's been wonderful seeing you, I'll see you next week," she hugged me goodbye before walking out to catch a cab.

I remained in the coffeeshop, waiting for John to get back, we were meeting here at any moment. Sure enough, I saw John's blond head poke through the door as he came in. He smiled warmly at me, walking over. "Hey love, you ready to go?" I was already standing, and nodded.

"Lets go," I reached for his hand. He squeezed it tightly, grinning happily.

"What are you all excited about?" I asked curiously as he hailed down a cab. "Nothing," he answered vaguely. Despite all reason, I felt my stomach turn, twisting this way and that. "Okay," I answered awkwardly as he held the door open for me.

John seemed to pick up on my discomfort, leaning in to me. "You alright, love?" His brow was scrunched, concerned. The coffeeshop wasn't a far drive from the flat, so we had almost arrived. "I'll tell you when we're back home." He nodded, still concerned, but oblivious to the reason of my anxiety.

Once we were inside, I walked into the bedroom, exhausted. It was only 7 o'clock, but I was completely beaten. I sat heavily on the bed, rubbing my eyes and sighing. John sat gingerly next to me. "What's wrong? Sherlock?" One hand was on my knee, the other stroking my cheek.

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