Proposals (Epilogue)

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(AN: Song lyrics will be bolded and in italics. Like this note here!)

John's POV

"You're sure he doesn't suspect a thing?" I asked Mycroft, my hopefully to-be brother-in-law. He nodded once. "Yes, we had lunch today, as you know, and he doesn't suspect anything." I blew out a breath.

"Okay, okay." Mycroft smiled sympathetically. "He'll say yes, John. We both know he will." Right, of course. I was just getting nervous, that was all. He loved me, I loved him, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I just hope he wants the same. We'd both talked about the future, both implying marriage, both saying things more explicit about it. I wanted nothing more than to be Sherlock's husband, to be his life's partner. And hopefully, after today, we'll be on that track.

Sherlocks POV

John was beginning to seem a bit worried when I got back home from lunch. He was licking his lips, an old nervous habit. "John, are you alright?" He lifted his head, startled.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me, love, I couldn't be better." He smiled, unconvincingly. "Okay," I stretched out the word, watching him as I went back to the sheet of music in front of me. He was on his laptop, writing up the last case.

I eyed him suspiciously throughout the day, before finally confronting him about it again while we were getting ready for the office party. Greg had somehow thought that it should be a black tie event.

"John, you're not alright," I commented as he straightened his bow tie for the 5th time. "What? Of course I am, I'm fine." I sighed, not content with this answer.

"No, you're not." I came behind him, placing my head on his shoulder, hugging him from behind. He sighed, twisting so we were facing each other; and buried his head into my chest.

"You're right. I've been thinking about reaching out to Harry, but I just haven't decided, and I don't really know what to do." I brushed the hair out of his face. (AN: well that's not all of it, but it is part of it)

"I'm sorry darling," I murmured, as he hugged me. He pulled away, straightening out the wrinkles in his suit. "Don't worry about it though, lets just have fun tonight." He smiled, holding out his hand. I took it, pulling him towards me. I pressed my lips to his temple, and he chuckled. "We do need to go, love." I sighed heavily before following him down to the cab that was waiting.

Inside the cab, John continued to fidget. I set my hand on his, "whatever you want to do about her, I'm right behind you." He gave a grateful smile. "Thank you, love. Are you excited for the party?"

I scoffed, "I don't see how I could be, it's an office party. At least Donovan and her minions  couldn't make it tonight." John nodded in agreement.

"Well at least try to have fun." I felt the corners of my mouth curve upwards. "As long as I'm with you, I will."

We'd arrived at the venue it was taking place at, a bit bigger than Greg's flat, where the office parties usually took place. A bit more formal as well. I didn't have much time to give it thought before Greg walked up to us, huge smile on his face. "Sherlock, John! So glad you guys could make it! We've got food and drinks over there if you guys want anything." He was smiling widely.

"I'm parched, Sherlock, would you go get us something?" I nodded, leaving his side for a moment to grab two flutes of champagne. By the time I got back, Greg had already left to greet a few others. Most of the people here were quite nice, most of them never put up a fight when I came to a crime scene.

Music was playing, upbeat and lively. John had placed his hand at the small of my back while we chatted with someone from the Yard. I hadn't been on many cases with him, but I'd never deduced any negativity from him. After a while, he excused himself, and made his way to Greg. A few slow songs had begun to play at this point, and a few couples had taken the floor. A slow cover of Clarity by Zedd was playing, and John stepped away from me.

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