New Years

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AN: This may just be the fluffiest thing I've ever written, enjoy its cheesiness.

Sherlocks POV

In the past, every time New Years Eve has rolled around, I've been generally indifferent. For lots of people, it meant new beginnings, but it me, it didn't mean anything new, anything exciting or anything good. As a child, it meant that my father would drink more, and therefore, beat me more. So I had never excited for New Years, never. However, this year could mean new beginnings, and hope. Hope, I hadn't had that for decades, hope I hadn't had in, pretty much my entire life. But now that I have John, I can have hope.

Alice had recently pushed me away, making a difficult and conflicting war of emotions break out within me. John had been there for me through it, holding me while I cried and mourned. He was my rock, my spark of hope. He never failed me or judged me, miraculously. Perhaps this day could be good for once.

I glanced down at a sleeping John, all worry lines and laugh lines fading into his weathered, but beautiful face. His lips were parted in slumber, revealing a small, barely audible snore. It was really quite adorable, even I had to admit. It was around ten in the morning, so I figured that now would be as good time as any to wake him up.

I lightly tapped his shoulder and gave him a soft peck on the lips. He groaned and opened his eyes. He smiled at me, returning the kiss. "Morning love," he grinned as I kissed him again, and again.

"Morning," he slipped his hands around my waist, tugging me so that I was on top of him. "Happy New Year's Eve," he murmured against my lips. I hummed in response, not willing to get up at this particular time. Or at least stop. Unfortunately, we eventually had to come up for air, his eyes sparkling. He grinned at me again, "you're a in a good mood," he sighed happily. His grin was contagious, and I found myself smiling back. "Of course I am, I get to spend New Years with you," I attempted rolled off of him, rather unsuccessfully though due to his iron grip.

"I don't think so," he said playfully, kissing me much more urgently. I laughed against his lips, kissing him over and over. I couldn't stop, it was addicting. He released me after awhile to catch his breath. I got up to dress for the day, I'd made reservations at a restaurant for later, and had planned a night out on the town for us too.

"Where are we going tonight, love? John asked, using his pet name for me, he used it more often than my name now. I didn't mind, rather I loved it, though I'd never admit it. He seemed to  know somehow. He'd shifted so he was lying on his side, propped up on one elbow. I flashed him a smile. "That is for me to know, and for you to find out, dress nicely, but warmly." That was all I was going to give him. He screwed his mouth to the side, trying to glean any information from that statement. It meant we were going somewhere nice, but that we'd also probably be outside for a fair amount of time. He got up to take a shower, taking with him a set of clothes that is deemed good for the evenings events.

Once I heard the water running, I dug out my phone. I texted the various confirmations for tonight, and set out to kitchen. He usually made breakfast for the two of us, so I had decided it would be nice if I made it instead.

Johns POV

I walked out of the bathroom in my clothes for the day, a nice pair of warm pants and a nicer jumper, and was greeted by the smell and the sizzling sound of bacon. I followed the scent into the kitchen where I found Sherlock making bacon and eggs. He greeted me warmly, telling me to go ahead and sit, and that he was almost done with making breakfast. "Don't worry about the washing up, either," he grinned as he set the two plates of food in front of us.

"Thank you Sherlock, that's so thoughtful of you," I smiled at him as he took his seat across from me. "Well, only the best for you," he grinned sheepishly at me before beginning to eat. I took a bite, surprised by the delicious flavor that erupted in my mouth.

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