|Chapter 1|

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Chapter 1:


     "Oh, where is our beloved Tohru at? I want her delicious food." Shigure swayed out of starvation. I giggled as he was so dramatic. "I'm right here, Shigure. What would you like to have for dinner? I have plenty of leeks, we can have leek soup." I smiled sideways at him, but was granted with an angry sigh from Kyo. After all these years, he hasn't grown to like leeks, but it still made me happy when he tried to seem like he liked it, every time I made it. I sat down next to Kyo at the table and whispered, "I'll make you some of your favorite rice balls...just don't tell Shigure or Yuki, okay?" He sighed and then mumbled, "Yeah...whatever." I could see a small smirk on his lips, but he tried to hide it from Shigure, knowing Shigure would give him a hell of a time about it.

    Hello! My name is Tohru Honda and I have been living with in Shigure's house since I was sixteen and have known the zodiac curse since then as well. I have tried to keep my distance from everyone in the house so they don't transform because I know it is a pain for them to try to hide themselves from me. I haven't been able to give them proper hugs because the curse is if the Sohmas are under a great deal of stress or if they are hugged by the opposite sex they transform into their zodiac animal, but if the Sohmas hug each other and they happen to be the opposite sex it does not affect them. If only I was apart of the Zodiac. 

    I walked to the kitchen and placed a few leeks into the pot that was on the small stove and then started rolling the rice into a triangle with a small berry in the middle. Kyo started to enjoy the whole berry thing when I started to serve them at the Rice Ball Kingdom I worked at. Now every time I make him rice balls, there has to be a single red berry in the center. I did not mind to always make them like this for him. It made me so happy! After I made four rice balls, I continued to stir the leek soup until it was creamy and ready to be served. Dipping out two bowls worth of soup for Shigure and Yuki, I placed everything on a serving tray and walked back into the dinner room. At the table sat Yuki across from Shigure, but I could not find Kyo. He is probably on the roof. He has been on the roof more and more lately and every time I asked him why, he just tells me he has a lot on his mind.

    I placed a bowl of leek soup in front of both Yuki and Shigure and was rewarded with a wonderful smile from Yuki that caused my heart to leap and then a comment from Shigure. "Thank you so much, Tohru! You do not realize how much my stomach craves for your delicious cooking!" I giggled as I sat down beside Yuki. I only had a few minutes before I had to leave for work so I might as well enjoy my time with everyone before I had to leave. "So, Tohru?" Yuki broke the silence over the table and I turned my head towards him. "Yes, Yuki?" He cleared his throat and took a mouth full of leek soup, swallowing it all. He then smiled towards me, "How is work going? Do you think you'll have a day off soon? I'd really like to take you back to the hot springs. We haven't been there for a few years. What do you say?"

    I really wish I could find a day off of work, but I'm not sure if my boss would allow that. Besides me, he only has one other worker who doesn't make rice balls the right way...according to my boss. I lowered my head in shame and sighed, "I'm not sure, Yuki. My boss would really be upset if he was to depend on Miyu to make the rice balls for the festival that is coming up in the next month. I could ask him, but I'm afraid I already know the answer that he would reply with." My chin was lifted up by a long pale finger that belonged to Yuki. I looked up into his purple eyes and was hypnotized. "Miss Honda, you do not have to worry. It was just an idea I thought we could do together." He smiled gently at me and grabbed my hand. I blushed at the thought of Yuki and I going somewhere together, even if it was impossible right now.

    I stood up quickly once I realized I was going to be late for work. "I'm sorry to run out on you all, but I am going to be late! Bye everyone!" I waved as I rushed out the door. Shigure bought me a car two years ago when I asked if he could drive me to work since it was far away. Of course Shigure then decided it was the appropriate time to tell me he did not drive, but instead had Hatori take him anywhere he pleased. Since I first came to the Sohma house, Hatori hasn't seemed to fond of me and I couldn't ask him to drive me everyday to work. Hopping in my car, I turned the air conditioner on, considering the weather explained that it was going to feel like we lived on the sun. As I drove down our long drive way that was hidden away from the main road, I had to suddenly stop because a monkey jumped out in front of my car. It was Ritsu Sohma.

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