|Chapter 9|

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Author Note:

I have been dying to write a new chapter on this story! There has just been so much stuff to get done before graduation! Enjoy and vote please. :3 ~Mikuru~


Chapter 9:


Kyo's P.O.V.

      Why the hell can't Akito just die already? That thought has constantly been in my head since I've been in here with Tohru. I glanced down and saw that she was laying in my lap with her head pressed against my chest. I knew she was nervous and to be honest, so was I. Akito never had mercy on anyone and everything he did caused destruction.

     "Kyo, why are you so tense?" Tohru's soft voice broke my concentration. I shrugged and looked down at her, catching her gaze. "I'm just worried about what Akito is going to do. You may have been brave with your encounter at the Sohma House, but that just fueled his anger." I tensed even more up when her soft body slithered up mine until we were eye to eye. Her eyes flickered to my lips and mine did the same to hers. I could feel her warm breath against my lips as she spoke, "He will not hurt me or you, Kyo. I will not allow it. Now that we are able to touch, nothing is going to stop me from doing it."

    Before I had a chance to speak, her pink lips pressed lightly against mine. Everything around me was faded away as I only focused on her taste and how nervous she was. Once the moment of shock was over, I reached up and threaded my right hand into hair to tilt her head to the side, so I was able to have deeper access. I felt more than heard her soft moan against my mouth and felt my entire body react instantly. I gently pushed her back.

     "Tohru..we have to stop." Her eyes lowered to the ground and I noticed a dark blush cover her face. "I'm sorry. I-I thought you wanted me to." She started to back away, but I pulled her to my chest again. Lifting her chin, I spoke softly, "I did want you to, Tohru. Trust me." I growl and she finally got the hint when she looked down to see just how much I actually wanted it. She giggled and hid her face. "Oh. Okay. I'm glad." She was glad? I laughed and pulled her to my side as the guard came back to lead us to Akito. As we walked down the long hallway, I leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Don't worry. We're in this together."


Author Note:

Sorry that this chapter was short, but important stuff happened. They finally kissed! Eee! :D Vote & Comment. ~Mikuru~

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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