|Chapter 3|

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Chapter 3:


     I sat in the car and thought of the situation that had just occurred. I found out that Yuki is in love with me and I realized how much I'm attracted to Hatori. I hear a tap upon my window and I turned my head to the right. Hatori was standing outside with a very serious face and looked impatient. He made a motion with his hand for me to roll down the window so I did just that. "Y-Yes Hatori?" I stuttered as my hands trembled. He leaned closer through the window and whispered in my ear, "Come over to the main Sohma house tomorrow. Momiji will be gone and we have things to talk about." As he pulled away, his lips brushed against my cheek causing shivers to run down my spine. I could feel hot blood rush to my cheeks and I nodded frantically, "Okay. I'll be there."


     As I drove away, I could see Hatori waving in the rear view mirror. What was I going to do? I shook my head and drove to my best friend Hana's house. I haven't spent much time with her since we graduated high school. I've been too busy with my job and the Sohma family. As I pulled in to Hana's driveway, the front door opened to reveal Hana in a bathrobe and electric shooting from her head. She was crazy sometimes with the electricity she can conduct. She waved slowly at me as I parked the car. "Hana! Oh, how I missed you!" I ran and gave her a huge hug as happy tears ran down my cheeks. She patted my back gently and I felt her whole body stiffen when I heard a very familiar voice come from behind her, "Hana, where did you go?"

     Shigure stepped out with a towel wrapped around his waist and Hana's face reddened when she realized I noticed. I stared blankly at Shigure and took a step away from Hana. I stuttered, "H-Hello Shigure. What are you doing here?" Hana walked over to Shigure and stood a little too close, but Shigure made sure she was far enough away so he wouldn't transform. "W-Well...Hana invited me over and I left after you and Yuki left for the market. I expected you would return home. It's a surprise to both Hana and I. Tohru, we are dating...Hana and I." Her face changed from it's normal serious face to a softened and relaxed face. "Yes, Tohru. We are dating. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before. I ran into him at the hot spring when me and Uo went on our day off from the cleaning service." She bowed her head while Shigure had sweat building up on his forehead as he rubbed his neck.

    "Oh, I'm so happy for the both of you! Shigure, you've needed to get out there and get a girl, but not someone so young as Hana. You know she is only twenty-one?" I smirked and thought: He is such a pervert at times. Shigure shrugged, "At least I didn't make a move on her when she was sixteen, even though she was beautiful then as well." Hana placed her hand on his arm and shocked him. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing, but let a few slip. Hana said, "Oh you. I'm sorry that our girl day is ruined. Maybe another time? Uo, you and I can all go shopping sometime." She walked over to me and gave a quick hug. I returned it and just happily responded with a "yes."

    After waving goodbye to both Shigure and Hana who were standing on Hana's steps, I thought to myself: If Hana can be happy with a Sohma, maybe I shouldn't worry so much. I drove back to the house with a smile on my face. Mom, you wouldn't believe what happened today! Hana told me she was dating Shigure! I'm so glad she found someone to make her happy. Something else happened today Mom...Yuki confessed his feelings for me and I ran into Hatori. I don't know what to do Mom. I love Yuki, but only like a brother...Hatori on the other hand...I have felt a connection with him ever since he told me the story about Kana, his precious fiancée. I really hope I can find a way to make everyone happy.

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