|Chapter 6|

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Enjoy this chapter. Trying to decide what stories to continue and which ones to discontinue. Depending on votes & comments.


Chapter 6:


Tohur's P.O.V.

        Once the gun sounded off, I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the peace of death. I'll finally be with you, Mom. I didn't get the pleasure of being with my mother because I heard a familiar voice call to me. "Tohru, why the hell are you doing?! Run!" I opened my eyes and saw Kyo holding the gun by the tip and I noticed blood dripping down his hand. He was shot! No! I just continued to stare at his hand and was tempted to reach out and grab it, but the guard who was trying to shoot me wrestled with Kyo for the gun. Kyo shouted as he punched the guard, "You better run right now, Tohru! I'll be right behind you! Run!" 

    I stood up and felt the blood circulate throughout my body and even though my legs felt like noodles...I ran. I had no clue where I was going, but I kept running down a long narrow hallway that had no doors. I could hear grunting and the sound of bones cracking behind me, but I didn't dare turn around. At the end of the hallway I was running down, there was a small door to the right. I slowed down and tried jiggling the doorknob, but it didn't open. Of course it is locked. I could feel sweat pouring down my face and body from the running and nervousness. My heart pounded fast in my chest and I prayed that Kyo got away with getting too badly injured. I pressed my body close against the wall, hiding away from the path of view. BANG! My heart leaped in my chest and I covered my mouth to keep from screaming. It was the sound of the gun again and someone just got shot. 

    I covered my face with my hands and sat on the ground with my knees curled up to my chest. Feet hitting the ground hard as someone ran is the only thing that kept me from crying. It could be Kyo. I rocked my body back and forth and then I finally heard the voice I longed to hear, "Tohru! Where are you?" Kyo whispered loud enough for me to hear. I jumped up out of the corner and leaped into Kyo's arms. The tears started to pour and I felt the surprise in Kyo's stance, but he returned my hug by placing his hand in my hair and pressing me close to his chest. I felt his breath at my ear, "I'm so glad you are okay. I'm sorry that I didn't get here soon enough. You could have been shot." My entire body shoot at the thought of getting shot, but I lifted my head to meet his gaze. "How did you find me?" I sniffed and wiped my nose with my shirt sleeve.

     His eyes narrowed and he pulled me into the corner I was hiding in, "Everyone couldn't find where you wondered off to and Hatori was worried. I decided to search the woods and found tire tracks in the mud and there was something on the ground that caught my eye. It was a piece of paper that had your name and our address on it. The only person that could know where you lived and that you lived with us, could either be your friends or Akito...and we've known for a while that Akito was up to something. I just didn't think he would stoop to this level and kidnap you and send a man to kill you. But I'm here now." He continued to press his body against mine as it was already pressed against the wall, protecting me from whoever was around. 

     I buried my face against his chest and for once felt...safe. It felt weird since I was with Hatori and I did like Hatori, but with Kyo...we have so much history together. I remember when I first stayed in Shigure's house, he tumbled through my bedroom ceiling and then I tripped into him. Finding out that they transformed into the Zodiac animals wasn't really a shock as it is was an excitement. I felt so privileged to be an outsider to know their secret. They trusted me with the secret and allowed me to live with them. I still remember spending the night with Kyo on the roof practicing punching moves and sharing rice balls. Kyo was the one who came to my rescue, not Hatori.

     I felt my heart ache and I presses myself closer to Kyo. He flinched, but squeezed me tightly. "Are you alright, Tohru?" I looked up and before I realized what I was doing, I gave him a small kiss on his cheek. Both Kyo and I stepped back in shock and surprise. His hand raised up to touch his cheek and I could tell he had a blush against his cheeks. He coughed and pointed to the hallway, "I think it's about time we got out of here, don't you think?" Kyo smirked and grabbed my hand. I just nodded and we peeked around the corner. Kyo pressed a finger against his lips to indicate we need to be quiet. We sneaked back down the hallway that did not have any doors. I whispered behind his ear, "How are we going to get past all the guards that around the corner from the cell they were keeping me in?" I saw his body shiver and he just looked over his shoulder at me, "I'm not sure, but just be quiet." 

      "Hurry, Tohru!" Kyo shouted at me as I huddled behind a corner. We finally made it past several of the guards by Kyo knocking them behind the head with his elbow. We are currently in a round room surrounded with pictures of animals. Kyo told me as we entered the room that they were pictures of his ancestors that were the original Zodiac animals. The room also had a table with a collar on it. As Kyo and I walked close to the table, we heard clapping. From each door in the room, tall men walked towards us clapping. The door directly in front of us opened and revealed the man I have been scared of since day one...Akito. He smiled and pointed at us, "I knew it would come down to your little kitty coming to save you, Tohru. He has always felt closer to you than the other animals. I mean, considering you are a cat yourself, I bet that gets his fur standing...if you know what I mean." Kyo stepped in front of me with his arms outstretched to protect me, "This has nothing to do with her, Akito. Just admit it. You are dying and want to take down as many people as you can! We can't help that you were destined to die for our family, but don't bring Tohru into this." Kyo hissed at Akito.

    Akito wasn't frightened or even affected by anything Kyo said. He just smiled and tapped his cheek with his finger, "I believe it does, Kyo. Tohru has ruined everything that I have done. She has broken so many Sohma Family rules. The only way to fix everything and make the future of our family a successful one...is to kill her. I know you feel the same way because you have felt out of place and I can promise you something. If you allow me to kill her...I will tell everyone and swear you into the Zodiac animals. I have the power to make you a part of the Zodiac." Kyo stiffened and I noticed his shoulders relax as though he was debating what to do. I tried to step back, but Kyo's arms kept me from moving. 

     Kyo just chuckled loudly and stared angrily at Akito, "You really think I believe you? You have not once tried to show me attention when I attended our family gatherings and I am tired of it. I hope you die alone and you will not drag Tohru down with you. I love her and you can't do anything to her because I will always be here to protect her." I just gasped and stared wide-eyed at Kyo's face from behind him. He loves me...Kyo Sohma loves me. Mom, I think I have a lot of things to think about. That was the last thing I heard before I felt something hard hit the back of my head and I heard Kyo shout, "Tohru! NO!" Darkness took over my body and I was left with the thought of: I'll never be able to tell Kyo that I love him too.


Author Note:

Wow! So I thought this whole story deserved some plot twists and I think it has some twists in it now. Anyway...enjoy, vote & comment! :D ~Mikuru~

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