|Chapter 4|

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Chapter 4:


     "Hello, Hatori! It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" I smiled at him while he sat down at his desk, writing something down. His elbow was propped up on the edge of the table and he had a hint of a smile on his face. He lifted his gaze to mine and nodded, "Indeed it is, Tohru." I have been staying with Hatori in his house for a few days now. After he gave me my first kiss, he asked me if I would be willing to stay with him. I was nervous at first and was about to say no, but he told me that he would sleep on the couch to make me feel comfortable. We spent these few days getting to know each other better than we had previously. I felt like he was going to ask me to stay longer so I asked him, "Hatori? Do you mind if I head back to Shigure's house?" As I waited for his reply, I was fiddling with my fingers. He dropped his pen and walked over to me, "Do you not like staying here, Tohru? I have known Shigure practically my whole life and I know how he is with younger women. I just don't trust Kyo and Yuki. If we are going to do this relationship thing, I would like if you stayed here." He grabbed my hands and pulled me close.

    I just squeezed his hands and said, "I was not saying I don't like staying here. I love it. It's just...I'll need to get my stuff and saying goodbye to Shigure, Yuki and Kyo. You can come with me if you want, Hatori." I thought it was going to be difficult living with Hatori, considering I was living in Shigure's house for so many years. I'm not sure the guys will be able to live without my cooking, but maybe I can show Kyo some recipes before I leave. Hatori shrugged, "That's fine. I actually have to check up on Akito and then have some business to do down at my office in town. I won't be home until late this evening. I'll just pick you up at Shigure's house on my way home from work." I nodded and gave him a hug goodbye.


[One Hour Later...]


      I drove up to Shigure's house and was greeted by Kagura, Momiji and a little girl I didn't recognize. I stepped out and waved at them, "Hi guys! And who is this?" I crouched down to the girl who was cowering behind Momiji. He just patted her back and pushed her towards me, "This is Miaki. She is a distant relative of the Sohmas. She just moved back here from the United States." She had dark brown hair that was cut short and baby blue eyes. "It's nice to meet you, Miaki. My name is Tohru. Are you hungry?" Momiji and Miaki nodded frantically and jumped happily. I giggled and walked inside. Kyo and Yuki were fighting as always and it made me sad to realize I wouldn't be around their arguing anymore. I shook the thought away and continued my way into the kitchen. I made everyone rice balls with plums in the center. 

    As everyone sat down at the table and nibbled on the rice balls, Kyo walked in and gave me a confused look. "What are you doing here? I didn't expect you to return after you were gone for a few days." He lowered his gaze and I could tell he was irritated at my absence. "I'm sorry! I was just spending time with..." I paused and wondered if I should tell them who I stayed with. Kyo and Momiji both lowered the rice balls from their mouths and said together, "Who did you stay with?!" "Who?!" They both were leaning forward over the table towards me and I could see the protectiveness in their eyes. "I was staying with Hatori...we were just hanging out." Kyo sat straight up and I noticed a vein popping out of his skin and I knew his fists were clenched in his lap. "Why would you stay with him? I know that you became one of us now, but that doesn't mean you can just run off with one of the Sohmas!" I was taken back and was surprised at what he had said. I felt a slight bit of anger start to build, "I do not want to be rude, but I am an adult now, Kyo. I can't stay in Shigure's house forever and Hatori offered me a room to stay in. I apologize that I didn't let you, Yuki and Shigure know where I was. You must have been worried."

     Kyo just sat silently before walking out of the room. I lowered my gaze to the last rice ball that was on my plate and felt bad that I didn't tell them before I just up and left. After all they have done for me, the least I could do was tell them where I was going. "Shigure! Where are you at, my midnight lover?" A familiar voice rang through the dining room and Momiji just smiled. Suddenly the door swung open and there stood Ayame Sohma, Yuki's older brother. "Oh, ha-ha. I am sorry to just barge in like this, but I just had to get away from the shop. Too much silence for one day. Oh, Tohru! It's so good to see you! Oh, and you too, Momiji!" He sat down in Kyo's previous seat and I handed him the last rice ball on my plate, "It's great to see you too, Ayame." I smiled at him and remembered when I first met him. I thought he was as handsome as Yuki and just realized that his hair was cut almost like Yuki's. "Ayame! You cut your hair!" I gasped and pointed, while one hand covered my mouth in shock. Ayame laughed deeply and twisted his head so his short locks swayed, "Indeed! I decided a new year, a new me! Where is Shigure and Yuki? They have to see my new hair! Yuki! Shigure!" He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted through the house.

      Yuki was the first to come towards the shouting and realized it was his brother, "Get out now! You do not want to cause chaos, do you?" His eyes narrowed as he looked at his brother. Ayame was unaffected by Yuki's demand and just laughed, "Oh, you are so funny, Yuki! Now go find Shigure and Tohru...a cup of tea!" He was always so straight forward and I admired that. I nodded and said, "Hai! Right away." I stood up and walked towards the kitchen and heard Yuki shout at Ayame, "Be respectful! Do not just demand Miss Honda to get you a cup of tea, you lazy snake!" I just smiled and missed spending days with Yuki and everyone. I am scared that if I stay with Hatori, I will not be able to spend as much time with the rest of the Sohmas. What should I do, Mom?



Sorry that this chappy [chapter] is short, but I just wanted to get something published and soon. ^_^ Enjoy and vote! :D

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