♥ Love (Park Chanyeol)

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-5 January 2008-

It's the first day of school. She was wondering around since she doesn't know anyone here yet.

"Annyeonghaseyo, are you lost?" a man greet her.

"Ne, I was searching for room 23-5B" she answers with a smile.

"Oh? Its my class. Are you the new transferred student?"

"Ne, annyeonghaseyo seonsaengnim" she said and bow, 90degree.

"Ahhh~ arasso, lets go to the class" he said and lead the way.


"Another day of school. *sigh* I'm bored" he said while munching on his bread.

"What are you mumbling about my dear?" his mom asked him.

"Nothing mom" he said and drink his milk.

"Where did my happy virus go? You keep mumbling and pouting everyday"

"I don't know mom. Maybe he's tired" he said with a frown.

"Cheer up, maybe something big will happen today" she said as she tapped his head.

"You always say that"

"Because we'll never know when miracles will happen my dear" she said and heads off to the kitchen. He scratch his head, don't really understand what his mother just said. He finished his drink and take his bag.

"Omma! Na kalkaeyo!" he screamed from the front door after wearing his shoes


"Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Naja ibnida" she said, bowing 90degree and smile.

"Kaurae. Naja-ssi, you can take your seat, over there" Mr. Lee pointed to a desk near the window.

"Ne, kamsahabnida" she walks to hear seat, the seat next to hers is also empty.

"Okay, we'll start our lesson today. Open page..." Mr. Lee turns to the door.


"I'm screwed"

I run as fast as I could to school. I don't know how on earth did I forgot the time? I run and run and run till I reach the school and finally reach my class. I took a deep breath before knocking the door.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I-I'm sorry. I was caught in a traffic jam ju-just now" I lowered my head as I say so.

"Its okay. You can take your seat, last warning for you Mr. Park"

I nodded and walk towards my table. Oh! There's a girl seating next to my desk.

Who is she?

I take my seat, next to her. She was too busy doing the writing exercise that she didn't notice my presence.

"Hey~" I said to her, with my deep voice. She turned to me and rise her right eyebrow.

"You're new here right? I'm Park Chanyeol, you can call me Chanyeol. I'm your deskmate" I said and smile.

"Ne, I'm Kim Naja, you can call me Naja" she said and smiled back. Her smile is so beautiful that I cant stop but smile even wider, showing my beautiful white teeth. She giggles, shook her head and focus back on her writings.

'Her eyes is so beautiful. Her face is so pure, her hair, her lips, her nose, its so perfect' I cant stop staring at her.


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