♥ Our story (Park Chanyeol)

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Chanyeol is holding Maymay's hand while they stroll along the beach. They stopped and sat down to watch the sunset. Chanyeol looked at Maymay's eyes and said

"I still can't believe that you're mine now". Maymay rests her head on his shoulder and said "I'm yours and you're mine, no one could ever change that". They intertwined their fingers and felt the warmth of each other and the cool breeze in the beach. And then.......

Chanyeol wakes up...

He rubs his eyes and slowly opens it "Ah it was all just a dream" He let out a sigh and stood up to get ready for school.

"I'm going to school now. Bye mom" He shouts to his mom who was in the kitchen.

He heads out and rode his bicycle. He checks the time on his phone then puts his earphone on to listen to some music. When he reached the house just a few blocks from his house. He shouted

"MAYY! I'm here!". A girl peaks from the window and shouted

"I'll come down in a minute!"

This is how Chanyeol and Maymay's morning goes, he goes to her house and then Maymay will ride at the back of Chanyeol's bicycle and they'll go to school together. They both go to Seoul High, where Chanyeol is a senior student and Maymay is a sophomore student. Even with that fact, Maymay is 2 grade higher than Chanyeol since her brain works better than his. They eat together during lunch and then after school Chanyeol has a band practice where he plays the lead guitar, while waiting for him Maymay goes to the library to do her homework and study since she's on the top of her class.

Before Chanyeol met Maymay, he didn't pay attention to his studies, he usually get F or D- in all his classes but then Maymay came and he changed, when there's no band practice he would go to the library with Maymay and study together.

Maymay would help him with his homeworks and tutor him about the subjects that's he's lacking with.

After school they would go to the playground and just look at the children playing. They would sit under the huge tree where there's a shade, Chanyeol would buy ice cream to the nearby convenience store.

They've been doing this ever since they had this oppa-dongsaeng-relationship. That's what they call the relationship that they have, at first Chanyeol was confused about the relationship that they had but as time passes by this became clear to him because Maymay had been treating him like her older brother but he liked it since he always wanted a younger sister since he's the only child.

At night, Maymay would call him before she goes to sleep. They would talk about anything and Chanyeol would say about the most random things that would Maymay laugh and smile until her cheekbones hurt. They would talk to each other until one person on the other line falls asleep and usually Maymay is first one to fall asleep but Chanyeol never hung up, he would just listen to Maymay sleeping and whisper words that he can never tell her like "I love you".

Then one day after school, Maymay was waiting for Chanyeol at the front gates of the school. She was waiting for him for half an hour and he is still nowhere to be found. She checked the parking lot and she saw that is bicycle is still there that means he still haven't left school, so she decided to call him but he's not answering until girl from Chanyeol's class came to her and gave her a note saying

[I'll wait for you at the rooftop -CY]

Maymay looked confused and asked the girl

"Who's CY?"

"You'll see. Just follow the arrows and you'll be able to see that person" the girl smiled and then left. She texted Chanyeol and told him that she's going to do something and she can't go home with him.

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