♥ Memories (Kris Wu)

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"I want that white and red rose, make it a bouquet" I said to the girl. The girl nodded and starts cutting the roses' stem.

"She always loves roses" I mumbled to myself. I walk around the store while waiting for my bouquet. Suddenly, it rains. I look out the glass window and smile.

"It was raining... when I first meet her"


"Aish~ It's raining~" I sigh as I looks out the window. It's raining heavily and its late, I've made a deal with my mom.

"I've promised to go home early today. How am I supposed to go home when it's raining?" I mumbled while walking out his class with eyes on my phone. Suddenly,

'Debbuukkk' I bumped into someone and 'she' falls down to earth.

"Oh! I'm sorry" I said and lend her my hand. She gladly accepts it and stands up before start cleaning her uniforms.

"It's okay, it's my fault too" she smiled. Gosh, she's really beautiful!

"Uh, by the way... I'm Wu Yifan, you can call me Kris" I shyly introduced myself to her.

"I'm Hyoji, Kim Hyoji" she smiled. I'm in love~!


"Sir, your bouquet is ready" the girl approached me. I nodded and follow the girl to the cashier. I pay for the flowers and quickly ran out the store.

"I'm drench" I speak to myself as I enter my car. I've starts the engine and ready to drive away when I saw a couple sharing an umbrella.

"I missed that time"


"Rain~" I sigh as I look out the window and pack my stuffs. Suddenly, my phone vibrated.

*1 message from THAT GIRL*

[Keriseu~ where are you?]

I walk out of my class smiling while replying her text.

[School, about to go home. Wae?]

Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw Hyoji ran while screaming my name.


She arrived at my place, panting very hard. Her face is as red as tomato.

"Why are you running? You do know that you have breathing disorder right? What if you passed out here?" I scold her. She lowers her head and pouts.

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid that you'll go home first" she said, honestly. I looked at her and rise one brow,

"Why?" I asked. Suddenly, her face turns red again.

"No-nothing. I-I just wa-want t-to walk ho-home w-with y-you" she stutters.

I giggled and grab her hand, she looked at me with eyes wide open.

'I love it when you're nervous. You're so cute'

I ignore the look she gave me and walk down the stairs slowly.

"Careful, it's slippery" I warn her. 'She's so cute when she's concentrated at her steps'

She nodded and follows my steps before....

"YIFAN!! Are you okay??" she rush to get me who was sitting on the floor. I nodded and she helps me stand up again.

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