Chapter Ten

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Three days passed and she refused to move. She ignored him when he spoke to her and she ignored the meals he brought to her. He even begged her to at least eat and keep up her strength but she was busy thinking. She wanted out of all this, she wanted her life back even if that was in the village that turned their backs on her. She wanted to see her mother again.

“My father is coming tomorrow.” He eventually said to her and she closed her eyelids. She didn’t want to see his face in her peripherals anymore. She didn’t want to see the window boards, she wanted to cry. She could hear the sand in the hourglass ticking down her time and now with the arrival of his father her time was further running out.

                She did not cry she knew there was no point but she did not move either. What was the point in that? Why should she try to occupy her time and while away more precious hours? She was savouring every second of her thoughts - her human thoughts - before they became the thoughts of a monster and she wanted blood to stay alive, and when she would not stare at the boards in the bid to see outside but as a creature of the night they would be a good thing for her and in her monsters mind she would be grateful they were up.

                Perttu’s heart was breaking. He couldn’t’ get her to respond to him and he had taken to spending as much time as his heart allowed knelt in front of her talking to her but when it got too painful to have his Bride, his mate, ignore him to such an extent he left to go to his attic. No longer did he go to his private floor. It wasn’t his anymore it was theirs and he couldn’t walk in without seeing Lily in his mind or glancing over to the painting she had done, or even the chair she had fallen asleep in when he came back with clothes for her.

                He locked himself in his attic with the bare walls and wooden floor that had dust all over it. It mirrored his mood and he took in the dark space and was tempted to board the windows of this place in. Instead as it was early morning, he gazed out at the beauty. The sun was only just rising so it was not too strong but he still blinked numerous times before he could adjust to such a strong and painful light. He had no idea how to rectify the situation and he was slowly following her into a depression he couldn’t shake. Mind you he had been slowly falling into the depression for years. He didn’t love his life like others of his kind did. She had given him hope when she came to house, she had been everything to him, and now that his hope was fading away he was back to that dark place again. Always the dark. Never the light. How could he welcome her into this life as well? Especially since she didn’t want it?

                Eventually he left his attic and checked once more on Lily, no change, but he hadn’t expected any. He left her to her thoughts and walked down the stairs, his legs were numb to an extent and his steps were robotic, but he got to his room and he went to sleep for the day. Let the sun come out, let him miss the beautiful sight and when it was dark once more he would awaken and his father would arrive…

The door bell was loud, it woke her from her daze it was that loud and low as it echoed throughout the entire mansion. She had decided she would not move from her chair and she would not see this old man who was to be her father in law, so to speak. She would be around him as she was around Perttu. She moved her head back the inch it had moved so it was tilted to the left as she stared at the window boards. She knew when he walked in; bizarrely she heard his footsteps on the smooth stone floor – she had never heard Perttu’s. It frightened her.

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