Chapter Twenty One

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When he next opened his eyes he groaned at his waste of an afternoon. He was fully coherent and the pain was but a dull ache everywhere; he could put up with that. With his mind sharp and in focus he could tell that the night was fast approaching.

“I have wasted the day.” He cursed at himself.

“No, you have recovered. And if you are to save this innocent human you told me about, you needed this time.”

                He sat up suddenly, no one restrained him as had happened on his last attempt, he was healthy enough to bear the sudden movement this time. His eyes roamed all over the room before landing on the old man who was sat in an easy chair and looking at him with a shrewd look in his eye.

“You saved me.” It was not a question.

“I played a part.”

“A big part; I am recovered.”

“Not fully, but enough, you are.”

“Who are you?”

“How did you get me here? You walk with a stick, you’re…”

“Old? I look it. But you’re not the only one with powers, I’m stronger than I look. I would be a lot younger in appearances as well had I not faced an opponent too strong for me.”

                The old man started to get out of the chair he sat in. He griped the arm with a tight embrace; his fingers dug into the material and bunched it up, pressing deep imprints into it. His fingers were certainly strong but his legs shook.

“A curse took away the strength from my legs and aged me before my time.”


“vampires are but one mythical creatures. Hounds another, and there are those who wield the magic in you better than you yourself.”

“I was trained from being a babe.” Perttu, whilst careful of his wording, was at a loss to truly understand what the man was meaning. His magic was powerful and he couldn’t imagine anyone more powerful than the breed of vampires.

“Arrogance, young man, will get you nowhere. It took my youth and legs from me, do not let it take a friend from you. You have more at stake than that pretty face.”

                He had angered the man and pulled a face at his foolishness but the old man on seeing Perttu’s grimace only laughed.

“You learn quickly that’s good. Here, water.” Taking eagerly from the old man’s hand Perttu took the glass drinking it eagerly. The water was still just as refreshing to him, though he had thought he would be disgusted with it again since he was now recovered.

“Why can I drink water?”

“Water puts out fire. The sun sets a vampire on fire. When you are fully recovered you will not need it anymore.”

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