Chapter Eleven

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The walk back was in relative silence. She was busy thinking again about her situation. She really needed to come to terms with her life. She let Adon guide her back and as they got closer to the house he started pointing out the flowers that Perttu’s mother planted.

“I loved her, I loved her like a friend but I was unfair to her. She always knew that I could leave her at any time when I found my mate and it depressed her but I loved her and her company and when I had no one she was as bright as I’m sure your days are. I was broken when she died, but our relationship always had an air of doom over it. We always wondered when the happiness we had would be taken from us.”

“That’s so sad. I’m sure she loved you and wanted to be with you despite that.”

“Maybe, but telling her that I loved her, when we both knew it was the wrong kind of love was cruel to her in a sense.”

“You could have been a tyrant to her, but you loved her and treated her well. You gave her the love you was able to and was honest with her that your Bride would change everything. As a woman believe me the honesty, while harsh, would have been welcome.”

“You aren’t finding the honesty of your situation very welcoming.”

                She paused and looked up at him, his eyes were sad, as if the memories were hurting him in a way other than physical. “The honesty is appreciated, without it I would be as afraid as I came here as. I was terrified when I opened my eyes now, I am not so afraid, but I mourn what I will lose. At least I have time to prepare.”

“Maybe. Maybe.” He muttered. The door infront of the was suddenly opened and a flurry of hair could be seen before arms were locked around Lily.

“Oh you’re his Bride. I’m so happy for you both. You’re going to love your new life. I was apprehensive at first, but I love my life, I made you a meal. It’s been ages since I last made a human meal, since I was at the village myself. I hope you like it, come, come.”

                Lily’s hand was taken ahold of and she was practically dragged into the kitchen. Perttu’s step mother chatted away at a hundred miles an hour and Lily couldn’t quite keep up. Perttu who was stood gravely at his front door had to move rather quickly when Berneice practically ran in with Lily in tow.

“I made mash potatoes and some green vegetables, and I hope I made the meat to your liking, I figured you wouldn’t want it rare since you’re still human. Oh I made bread as well, I miss making bread, I used to take all my stresses out on the bread, pounding into the dough as I kneaded it.”

“You didn’t have to make me dinner.”

“Oh but I wanted to. I’m so glad to finally have someone to cook for again. But that will all change in a couple of weeks, but never mind eh?”

                Lily stomach dropped, to think no more food soon. She found herself not as bothered as she thought she would be. She may miss the taste but not the hassle of making it, not the time she had to take to eat it and clean the dishes, it may actually be quite helpful to avoid the whole chaos of making a meal.

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