Chapter Twenty Three

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Perttu twisted the man’s hand ruthlessly and pinned it to his back, turning the kidnapper away from Lily. He had never felt so angry and out of control and he found he didn’t like this side of him. He knew he was baring his fangs unashamedly and he wasn’t even wondering if that would frighten Lily or not.

“Perttu, enough.” The old man said to him but Perttu was shaking in anger. His grip on the mans wrist was doubling even as he tried so hard to calm down. Lily had curled herself up against the wall and was looking afraid. He cursed himself even as his instinct was telling him to bend his head a tiny bit more and pierce the betrayer’s neck. To drain this piece of filth that dared to take his bride.

“He is a betrayer! Working for them!” He yelled as if trying to explain to Niklas why he couldn’t stop his instincts.

                He pulled back his lips more and opened his mouth. He needed feeding anyway, and this would be a way to nourish not only his appetite but his emotions. He took in the stench of the evil around them.

“I know that, I can see it.” Niklas said calmly.

“Then he deserves to die!”

“Who are you to play god and deal out justice as you feel like it?”

                Such calm words and tone from the old frail man only made Perttu snarl.

“He took and hurt Lily.”

“And to execute, in the style you’re trying to, is not the way to end this.”

“Then how?! He is a monster! He has changed his side in this war!”

“It’s probably my age but I hate war. I could never see the point of it. Perttu, has your intrigue of who I am been forgotten already?”

“He hurt my Bride.”

“And I am no mere human.”

                That halted Perttu’s actions. He looked away from the neck exposed to him and towards Niklas who was looked shrewd.

“Come back to your senses. NOW!” The voice boomed and bounced off the stone walls and it made Perttu cringe and groan at the pain of it hitting his ears. That was no human scream. He dropped the kidnapper to the ground and clutched at his head to stop the sound ricocheting inside his ears.

“Sorcerer!” Perttu felt his fists tighten – “You kind slaughtered mine!”

                By the wall lily thought he had finally lost it and was about to attack an old man but he didn’t, he held himself still and calm and looked away from the old man as confusion warred on his face.

“Well done Perttu. That war was a long time ago and is over. The last thing your anger at associating with me is but a trifle when there is an illusionist messing with your senses.” All turned to the kidnapper who was grinning.

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